The arrangement

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time change (30 min earlier)

technoblade pov:

" hey, sam can you send the bridge back over I need to talk to you!" I make eye contact with my dream. and turn back to the lowering lava. it's warming my face under the mask. when I step on the platform I almost fall over tripping into the lava but it starts moving and saves me just in time. when I reach the other side the lava has been lowered again I start to speak to sam "sam I made a promise and I'm going to keep it no matter what you say so keep that into consideration. I promised dream I would break him out of prison. ok, and I don't really care about how this affects the current governments you know with the whole anarchy thing. but I honestly don't want him running free so I have a plan." I let him take all this in for a second. "so I think you should let me take him out of prison but he thinks that I'm just really good at it and then in like a day or two he comes to get him and take him back you know what I mean?" he looks at me sucking in a breath getting ready to speak but we get interrupted by yelling and go over to the monitor to look at what's going on. They all seem to be having a good time jshlatt looks stressed but dahlia is wearing a huge grin. then jshlatt pulls out a bottle of rum and just straight up chugs it. "ok techno back to what I was saying. it's too risky I'm sorry but no." I look back to the monitor. "like I said there's nothing you can do to stop me deal with it sam I'm better than you. I was just giving you the option where he doesn't actually escape." his breathing quickens. I know he's getting angry "YOU KNOW WHAT FINE! but techno if you ever really break dream out of prison I will not hold back and I will kill you." I nod and head back to the lava so that I can go get the others and leave this place. when the platform starts moving I notice dahlia is hugging a somehow completely sobber jshlatt. Hmm, that's fun. when I reach the end I tell everyone it's time to go. I lean down to dream and whisper "tonight ill come get you just wait."

Hey guys ⟟ know this is ⏃ really short chapter I'm just hitting some writers block.

Anyways love you guys.

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