life story

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technoblade pov.

ok dreams had enough time two days I left him at my house with Dalila. ⟟ go get Sam and tell him it's time. The walk to my house was awkward but bearable. When we arrive something is off there are little patches of blood up the stone stairs I and Sam pull our swords out. Kick open the door and yell for Dream to come out. But he is not there. "DAHLIA! DALILA WHERE ARE YOU!" she is dead, isn't she? He killed her to escape that's her blood on the wall. She was so small she would have died if he stabbed her! The faintest whisper comes from downstairs "help me..." I and Sam jump down the ladder she is there laying ⟟⋏ a puddle of blood. her leg has ⏃ a massive cut down the middle and she is losing ⏃ lot of blood. "GO GET NIKKI HURRY PLEASE SHE WON'T LAST MUCH LONGER!" ⟟ scream at Sam. While he hurries up the ladder ⟟ grab some gaps and heal pots and start giving them to her. It helps but not enough. ⟟ go up to Philzas' side of the house and grab some sowing stuff and bandages. When ⟟ go back downstairs something is off she is no longer in the blood. She is sitting on the couch with no blood on her completely untouched. "Dahlia?" She turns her head and smiles. "Hey, techie what's up."wh-what? "ARE YOU OK WHAT DID DREAM DO TO YOU!??" she chuckles "I'm fine now the stuff you gave me let me regain consciousness and ⟟ had an enchanted grapple so I'm completely healed. Dream on the other hand sliced my leg so ⟟ could not chase after him and ran. I'm so sorry techie it's all my fault.." she looks down guilty "no no no don't say that it's all good we will find him. Don't you worry." The upstairs door opens and slams shut Sam hops down the ladder. "TECHNO ⟟ CAN'T FIND NIKKI-" Sam notices dahlia completely fine sitting down. "Ho- how is that possible she should b- be dead?" ⟟ smile and look back at her. "It's alright she's fine. Sam can you make some tea I'm gonna ask her some questions to help us find Dream." He nods and starts back up the ladder. ⟟ turn around to sit down but she is right behind me with ⏃ metal object in hand with ⏃ long needle at the end of it as a long glass tube at the end filled with some red liquid. "Wha-" before ⟟ can finish my sentence she shoves the needle into my neck. My vision starts to fog along with my brain. ⟟ can't feel my legs and ⟟ can't move my hands. ⟟ start to fall my crown comes off and clanks down on the floor me falling right after it. The last thing ⟟ heard is "SAM HURRY TECHOBLADE JUST PAST OUT HURRY!" that lying daughter of ⏃ b*itch

Dream pov:

Dahlia finally comes back to the house and sits down at the table starting to eat her lamb stew. "I have technoblade locked up in the back." she says so nonchalantly it almost is no big deal but then Wilbur registers what she said "WHAT!" we both shout in unison. "he's outback. did you not hear me?" me and Wilbur look at each other. we both stand up and walk out the door to see a very asleep technoblade sitting on the edge of the stairs. "PHHHHH! how you get him?!" Wilbur laughs uncontrollably. "that's a secret." she responds I grab the back of his collar and hauled him inside. "dream can we go back to training I really want to work on some moves!" I nod "ya sure let me talk to wil- your dad real quick." she smiles and walks to the training room I look to Wilbur "Wilbur we need to talk about her. what happened to her that made her this way. like when I was in the prison she threatened to kill jschlatts family. she is always smiling when she is about to kill something or blow something up. I am genuinely scared." he sighs and looks down "look I know I seem kinda crazy too and it's true I am but she... she is crazy due to a bad childhood. I'm not her real dad you know. she thinks I am but that's because I don't have the heart to tell her and I'm kinda scared she would kill me for lying to her. I was 15 I found her in a burning house when she was an infant I did not tell Phil because I was scared he would make me give her away so I built a tower it was small at first but something weird happened one time I accidentally dropped her and she started bleeding but the cut was immediately covered by a vein and the tower grew by like 15 blocks. It did not make sense to me and it still does not. so I can't really give you much info on that so I kept building the tower and she kept making it grow by her getting hurt around this time I turned 20 she was 5 and I had just met sally at that time she was in the form of a person, not a fish (sally is a shapeshifter) we did- something and my son fundy was born. but something happened and the people hunting sally came for her and killed her they took her blood. I promised that I would make a safe place for my 2 children. lamanburg I did but I also visited her every day. made sure she was ok and taught her how to fight so she would be safe now the fighting skills I did not teach her she learned most of that by her self but anyways then there were wars and I forgot about her I left her up there for 5 years by her self. that's around when she started losing it. can you imagine 5 years with 0 human contact? then I died when she was thirteen so 4 more years alone. that's how she got the way she is. speaking of her she is waiting for us. so let's go.

dahlia pov:

I'm waiting in the training room for the boys there taking forever I might as well try on some of the new clothes that dad got me I'm gonna DIY my hair while I'm at it too. when I walk back downstairs both the boys stare at me. (this is something like what she is wearing.

 (this is something like what she is wearing

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(but just the hair

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(but just the hair. also, go watch arcane!)

"what are you wearing?" dad questions. "you bought me it." he rolls his eyes "ok let's fight and don't worry dream ill go easy on you." I grin.

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