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Alivebur pov:

"TOMMY MOVE NOW STOP BEING SUCH ⏃ CHILD AND GROW UP!" ⏃ wave of anger plasters on his face but leaves as fast as it came he takes ⏃ long deep breath. "⟟ have grown up way quicker than ⟟ should have. That's why I'm doing this ⟟ realized who you really are. ⏃ crazy lunatic. And ⟟ won't let you near my friend." His voice stern but calm. It drives me insane. ⟟ step towerds him and he stays put. "Tommy. Last. Chance." He just stays put he almost look sad. He still views me as his brother. Good. "I'm sorry for calling you ⏃ child Tommy. ⟟ have only been here for ⏃ day or two and ⟟ have already made ⏃ bad impression on you. You watched me go crazy and blow up our home. But ⟟ have changed. ⟟ promise, please let me by ⟟ want to see tubbo." He makes eye contact with me "no I'm sorry ⟟ can't he has been through enough." ⟟ take on more step forward and slap him with all my strength across the face. He falls to the grown he holds his hand over the stop where ⟟ slapped him. Tears form in his eyes and ⏃ a look of shock mixed with pain spreads across his face. ⟟ lean down closer to his ear. "Sorry, Tommy but to exterminate the dream SMP ⟟ need tubbo ⟟ I wished you could have understood." Then ⟟ punch him again he lets out a grunt then goes limp. One problem down three to go. ⟟ go back up to the door and knock 3 times slowly. Then wait.

Time change (ten minutes earlier

captonpuffy POV:

⟟ try to console the screaming child but him being asleep makes it hard. ⟟ shake him awake"tubbo! Are you ok?! You were screaming! Did you have another nightmare?" he looks at me and nods. ⟟ don't know what I'm going to do I'm not good at this. I'm supposed to be the therapist and the mom and ⏃ restaurant owner. But honestly ⟟- ⟟ can't. And it breaks my heart every time ⟟ see my sweat innocent tubbo here dying on the inside. Knock knock knock! "Coming!" ⟟ stand up to go get the door looking at tubbo one more time. ⟟ walk over and pull open the door. Tommy is standing there awkwardly his hands to his sides he looks nervous. I mean who wouldn't after finding out he had to beg everyone not to through him in prison. that must be nerve-racking. "Tommy! I heard you were stopping by but I suggest you leave." -Tommy looks at me there is sweat dripping off his face he takes a step back and scratches the back of his neck. I slowly shut the door but a hand stops it. it's not Tommy so I open the door again. "w- wi-" I try to say his name but air won't escape my lungs. we stand there for a long moment. so this is the guy that hunts tubbo at night? humph, ill kill him. "TUBBO WAIT!" Tommy cries out. then I slam the door. Look behind me but the small child has already collapsed on the ground. ⟟ pick him up and carry him to the secret back door and take him to my house until ⟟ can contact Philza about Wilbur 

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