War- part 1

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dreams pov:

"Wilbur it's been 9 hours! we have to go look for her! we cant trust her she is too reckless. you have to keep her Here till tomorrow." Wilbur looks at me with rage in his eyes. "you do not have the right to tell me what to do with my daughter! dream she is ten times stronger and smarter than you she may be a little crazy but at least she did not get thrown in prison!" will shouts. "you have to admit that she is reckless though!" the door swings open but nobody is there I turn back around to Wilbur as I get pushed into a wall a dagger is being held a centimeter away from my throat dahlia is holding me against the wall and I can't move her face is covered in blood and she smells of rotting flesh. "tell-me-how-im-reckless?" I can just barely move my head to Wilbur he is sitting silently sipping whisky in the corner avoiding eye contact. "i- i- i- um i- can you put the dagger away?" she puts it closer to my throat drawing blood. "answer the damm question dream!" she yells. " she looks as she has been crying for a long time she has large eye bags and her eyes are red. "look - I'm I'm sorry I did not mean it" she chuckles and steps back Wilbur comes in with bandages to rap the cut then we both look at her and see the condition she is in. her dress and arms legs and hair are all drenched in blood. but she does not seem to have any cuts because she would have more vines right or flowers? "what the hell happened?!" we both yell. she motions her dagger around. "nothing." she hits her head and mutters something under her breath. "wheres techno?" she says "he wasn't outside did you two move him?" we nod. Wilbur speaks up "we will tell you where he is after you tell us why you are covered in blood?" she looks down at herself. "oh that! don't worry it's not my blood." I and will look at each other "that's exactly what we were worried about. whose blood is it?" she rolls her eyes. "they pushed jack from a building. and I got covered in his blood." w- wha- what? "Jack is dead?" She nods then hits her head again "SHUT UP ALREADY IT WAS NOT MY FAULT!" She screams "we did not say anything." She looks back up at us and smiles "oh sorry ⏃ just have ⏃ really bad headache." ⟟ look at Wilbur before ⟟ take her to techno. Does he really not see how reckless she is? ⟟ lead her into the dark jail cell in the back of the riven. She looks at me. "Leave now." ⟟ roll my eyes and walk away.

technoblade pov:⟟ have been stuck in this concrete room for hours or days now. Water dripping down on my face. ⟟ can't move my brain is all foggy. My hands chained behind me. Dahlia, she poisoned me. Why? Why would she do this to me?! ⟟ protected her. ⟟ brought her back to life when ⟟ could not protect her. And then she knocked me out! Then dream dragged me into this room. ⟟ kinda get that part. But ⟟ broke him out of prison! Like dude! ⏃ centipede crawls up my face but ⟟ can't move to get it off of Me. The door opens behind me but ⟟ don't have the strength to look behind me. "Leave now." It dahlia she is back. Another set of footsteps walk away and shut the door. Dahlia pulls up another metal chair it scraping the floor as she walks she sits down in front of me. I can just barely see the tips of her hair. There ⏃ shade of dark blue. And she has it in braids for the first time since ⟟ met her. she lifts my chin up with two fingers. "Hey, techie! ⟟ missed you!" In her hands, she has ⏃ book and another needle. She shifts her hand with the book and ⟟ can see the title (technoblade no 1) she smiles "don't move ok this won't hurt ⏃ bit. She tilts my head to the side slightly and shoves the needle into my neck. In less than 5 seconds i surge of energy rushes through me ⟟ lift my head back up but ⟊ still can't move my arms or legs. Her entire body is covered in blood. Wtf did she do!? "Oh don't worry it's not my blood." She softly chuckles but when you look in her eyes all you can see is hurt. She hits her head and screams SHUT UP! "Umm ⟟ did not say anything." She looks back at me. Shakes her head and flips open the book. "Umm techie it says here you hear things like people in your head is that true?" Why would she care? "Yes." She looks down. Then meets my eyes water forming in both her eyes. "Techie ⟟ didn't do it. No matter what they tell you but ⟟ didn't mean to hurt him it's all their fault they made me do it." Full-formed tears flowed down her face. "Who? Wilbur? Dream? Who made you kidnap me. And who's blood are you covered in?" She shakes her head then hits it again. "No no NO NO shhhh. You don't understand techie they want me to hurt you too!? But ⟟ don't want to. No no only ⏃ few were supposed to die. Not you, not jack, not Nikki, not tubbo. Just ⏃ few." She starts screaming again this time louder she gets up and throws ⏃ chair at the wall. "SHUT UP! PLEASE! plea- please. Please just let me be!" Oh, she is talking to herself. She can hear the voices to can't she. "Hey dahlia it's ok they can't hurt you they can't make you do anything." She turns to look at me. "But they did. They took control of my body they made me push him." Huh? "Push who?" She looks at her shoes. "Jack." Oh, sh*t Jack's dead. "What do you mean they made you." Her hands start shaking. "Umm, you know the feeling of them being in your head. They talk to you all the time. But when we were on the roof it's like we switched places ⟟ wasn't in control. ⟟ could do nothing but scream and yell. They were moving my hands and legs. They were talking to me. It was scary." She walks up to me and kneels down so we are on eye level. "Techie I'm sorry ⟟ poisoned you that was my choice not there's." Damm this girl Is just as crazy as ⟟ was. ⟟ mean hell I burned down ⏃ village at 15. "Why did you do it, why did you poison me?" She smiles and chuckles ⏃ little. "Tell me this techie, if you saw me slicing Tommyinits throat, stabbing fundy, lighting jschlatt on fire, and sacrificing sapnap. Watching the whole server go to hell what would you do? You would kill me wouldn't you." ⟟ nod. "That's why ⟟ locked you up down here. No hard feelings ok." the door behind us slams open. "HONEY ARE YOU OK ⟟ HEARD YELLING!" Wilbur's shaky worried voice booms in the concrete box. "Dad ⟟⋔ fine me and techie were just talking." Wait- "DAD?" Wilbur has a child?!??!? Would that make me an uncle!? "Did you just call techno techie?" Wilbur asks, She nods. "Ok bye techie today's the day hell rains down and I need to get ready. Dad go upstairs I'll tell you the plan soon. Wilbur stomps up to her. "Who put you in charge? Last time ⟟ checked I'm your dad." She laughs. "⟟ put me in charge. And last time ⟟ checked ⟟ could kill you before you even blink dad." He steps back. Confused about her sudden change in attitude. She walks around him and stomps upstairs. Wilbur looks at me shrugs and walks out. 

dahlia pov:

⟟ stand in front of my bedroom mirror. Looking for the right outfit.

 Looking for the right outfit

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ohhhh I like this one!

it's perfect

⟟ walk to the training room. "Ok here is who we kill first.


if found we do not kill

Captain puffy

"understand? Btw ⟟ call killing Tommy and fundy." They look at each other. "Fine then ⟟ get jschlatt," Wilbur says with ⏃ grin." Why?" Dream asks. "Because he ruined my life. He took it all from me and ⟟ would sacrifice everything to kill him again." Ouch, that stings. "Ok at dawn we will meet at the remains of l'amanburg. ⟟ will hold ⏃ funeral for jack and there we can attack." They nod and walk away.

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