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(ok so I know technically it hasn't been three days but we're just gonna pretend it has got it?)

Sams pov:

when I enter the town hall building everyone is already there sitting down. they made me the judge because I was already an officer and because judge tubbo is too traumatized by this right now to do so. 

so I take the stand wearing a white gown. and holding a wooden hammer. "we are here to stand trial to exile the accused Mr. tommyinit. Mr.init is being charged with first-degree murder. our jury for today is Sapnap, Nikki, Philza, And CaptionPuffy. if anyone has a problem with that speak now!" the room stayed quiet. "ok no one would represent Mr.init so he will be speaking for the defense. let the trail begin. everyone turns to see on the other side we have technoblade." 

everyone is shocked to see technoblade enter on the left of the room he is wearing a black suit. and it fits nicely on him. techno says "we would like to call a witness to the stands. Miss, Dahlia would you please sit Between the judge's bench and the jury box in the witness stand." everyone gasp.I knew she was alive which makes this a pretty lame reveal. "YOUR F*CKING ALIVE" everyone was shouting and asking questions Nikki ran up and gave her a hug. but Tommy just looked scared out of his mind. "ORDER ORDER IN THE COURT!" everyone goes quiet "ok back to the witness stand yes Miss, Dahlia is alive she was revived by dream and will now give her testimony." techno starts to talk "do you miss, Dahlia promises to speak the truth and nothing but the truth for this testimony?" she replies "yes."

"ok for my first question did this man push you off the bridge into smoldering lava in the nether?" she looks at him tears forming in her eyes "y-yes. yes, he did" Tommy's face goes from scared to mad. Techno starts again "how did it feel?" "death? or being betrayed by someone you thought was your friend?"

"both." I interject "is this relevant to the case?" "yes, it is your honor I just have to get to the point." "ok carry on." "Umm ok well the betrayed part ⟟ kinda just came out of nowhere I feel like we were really bonding and then home into the lava. And the dying part that was really sh*ty it felt like my whole body was being torn apart the pieced back together one by one except out of order. So really painful." Nikki is already crying. ⟟ don't know how she can become so attached to a person for only knowing them ⏃ few days. "Do you have any idea why tommyinit killed you?" Techno walks over to Tommy now and waits for dahlia to answer.

"no, no ⟟ don't" tears streaming down her face now. "Ok, I'm done. She can go sit down now." Dahlia stands up and runs towards one of the open seats. Jshlatt whispers something in her ear and she smiles. I'm really glad she has her dad back even if it's jshlatt. "Ok can ⟟ call one more witness?" I nod to techno. "Ok ⟟ call judge Awsamdude to the witness stand" everyone kinda looks around no one is quite sure if it's ok. 

Tommy bolts out of his chair to stand. " OBJECTION" ⟟ look back at Tommy my "on what grounds?" He sits back down defeated. As soon as ⟟ made may way over to the witness stand and promised to speak the truth. Techno starts bulldozing me with questions. By the end, everyone is either crying or clapping. Some are mad about the things according To techno Tommy has done in the past. ⟟ make my way back to the judge's stand and tell the jury to make their decision. If all of the juries agree that he is guilty he will be locked up. If one of them changes their mind then he will be exiled. So it's really up to them they all stand one at ⏃ time. Sapnaps first "⟟ vote. GUILTY!" Someone starts to clap but others are crying. CaptainPuffy is next "⟟ vote. GUILTY!" Next is Nikki ⟟ think she might be his only hope "I vote. GUILTY!" everyone gasps no one was expecting that even sapnap was surprised Nikki has always been the piece keeper everyone's big sister. Tommy starts to cry. he's done for philza saw him push her off the bridge.

 Phil stands up. he looks at Tommy "I vote. INNOCENT!" sapnap turns to Phil "come again?" his voice layered in anger. "⟟ already killed one of my sons I'm not doing that again." ⟟ look back at Tommy he stopped crying. He just stares blankly at Philza. ⟟ don't think he expected that either. ⟟ stand up to speak and bang the hammer thingy down on the desk. "To the jury's choice, Mr. init will be exiled at dawn. Silently everyone leaves. No one really likes Tommy but ⟟ think they all realised they are exiling ⏃ kid.

dahlia pov :

HE'S BEING EXILED! YESSSS WOOOW LETS GOOOO! finally, everything is going to plan. One thing is finally working out for me! ⟟ have to hide my excitement though ⟟ don't want anyone losing sympathy points for me. ⟟ celebrate later. ⟟ wait till everyone is gone except for Tommy and a few guards including Sam. ⟟ walk up to Tommy and smile. ⟟t doesn't matter no one but him can see me now. ⟟ chuckle ⏃ little. He is finally getting what he deserves. "Why are you doing this." His voice pleading to know why ⟟ hate him. But I'm not going to give him the satisfaction of knowing that he ruined my life. "For fun! Obviously. ⟟ wanted to ruin your life for fun." he starts to cry. So ⟟ smile again and skip away. As soon as ⟟ reach the door ⟟ stop. And pretend to look sad again that's when I'm attacked with hugs by Nikki and Philza. There weeping too. "I'm so sorry I let that happen to you!" Philza starts. " ⟟ can't believe Tommy of all people would do that!" Nikki seconds. ⟟ almost feel bad about what's happening tomorrow.

The chapter where techno "breaks" dream out of prison seemed really horrible to right and it was hurting my head too much. So ⟟ have chosen to just pretend ⟟ did right it and it was very epic. Cool? Cool. So now dahlia dream and her dad will meet up. Who do you guys think he is?

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