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tubbo pov:I'm walking with tubbo through the woods in our back yard we are planning ⏃ picnic for Michele. He is hoping it will take some of the stress off of me. "Here is a good spot," Ranboo states stopping near the lake and ⏃ flower field. ⟟ start setting out the blanket and dishes when ⟟ say I'm gonna go get Michele. Ranboo nods and continues setting the stuff out. ⟟ start walking back to the house it's about ⏃ ten-minute walk. When ⟟ finally reached the house Michele is pressing his tusk up against the glass door he is wearing ⏃ yellow and white striped shirt with bright pink overalls. When ⟟ unlock the door he comes running up to me and jumps on my back we run around like that for ⏃ few minutes laughing and having fun ⟟ feel Michele slip off my back he must be ready to go but when ⟟ turn around he is in somebody else's arms. Dahlia? She sets Michele down in the grass he's asleep? What did she do? She grabs something out of her backpack, ⏃ bat! "I'm sorry but ⟟ need to protect you from what's happening at midnight you can come willingly or by force, if you come willingly you can bring Michele and ranboo. If not they will be part of the chaos. Understand?" Her eyes were dead and serious ⟟ nodded. ⟟ trust her right?2 hours earlier Nikki pov:"bye fundy!" ⟟ walk away from his little shop in town carrying a big basket of flowers to plant in my garden. When ⟟ getting back to my house ⟟ walk down to the empty room and start prepping. After ⟟ getting half of the flowers planted my stomach rumbles. ⟟ can make some cookies with the new flour ⟟ bought, I get up and clean myself off. ⟟ walk up the stairs to my chicken farm and collect some eggs and cocoa beans ⟟ walk to the kitchen and start making the batter ⟟ place the batter on the cooking sheet and put them in the oven. After about ten minutes ⟟ take them out and leave them to cool. While ⟟ wait ⟟ go back upstairs grab more cocoa beans to make hot chocolate with. But when ⟟ Arrive back at the kitchen dahlia is sitting on the counter nibbling on one of my cookies. "How did you get in here." ⟟ walk over to the counter and grab a cookie for myself."I followed you here. also, I would not eat that if I was you," she says her deep yellow eyes piercing through my skin. chills run up my spine. "wh- why" she grins my vision starts to get spotty and my breathing shallows. "too late now I guess but I poisoned them." she starts to laugh but she gets quieter and quieter until my vision goes black and I collapse.(time change 4 hours still Nikki pov)my eyes peel open I can see and hear now but my breathing is still shallow I don't think its from the poison I don't know just a feeling when I look around I see I am in a stone brick building vines and flowers grow every which way there is a canopy bed and a nearly bear bookshelf next to a desk. on the other side of the room, there is a large window. I see the clouds that's why it's hard to breathe. I look a little further to the left I see tubbo ranboo and their son's Michele there not tide up like me there just sitting on the bed reading and eating. "TUBBO HELP ME TOMMY WAS RIGHT SHE IS CRASY!" he looks over and tilts his head with a little smile at the top of his head little horns poke out. "you're awake! finally. don't worry it was a big misunderstanding. yes, she poisoned you but there is something happening and she did not want you to get hurt. she knew you would not have said yes to opt-out of war so she kidnaped you. isn't it so pretty here!" I took a second to take it all in so I decided to expand it. "where are we?" he goes to stand by the window "her tower." ranboo unties me and we just start walking around.

(sorry I have not been updating I have been doing a lot more school stuff and catching up on lore ill try and start uploading more. love you guys <3

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