the funeral-part 2

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ok so in this chapter the time will be messed up a bit like everything is happening at the same time fast but time itself is running slow. ok? IDK how else to explain it.

also, I know I have not put TW in other chapters but I feel like this one is important for some reason.

TW: blood, gore, death, cussing, blood god..., falling, drowning,fire

fundy pov:

This is the second funeral ⟟ have had to go to in the past month. Both deaths were equally as gruesome. But dahlia had to watch jack die. Sam said that jack tripped of the balcony of his hotel and dahlia was trying to save him when his shirt ripped and he fell to his death. He had to drag her away from the body. ⟟ get ready in my black suit and go to find Nikki. ⟟ haven't seen her in a while but she must be devastated. Jack was her best friend after Wilbur died. ⟟ walk to her house and knock on her door to find it open. "Nikki? Are you here?" No reply. ⟟ walk down the stairs assuming that she left early to be with jack alone. ⟟ need to grab some flowers before ⟟ leave. ⟟ walk past the living area and the storage room but stop at the kitchen noticing the mess. The not-so-fresh cookies are scattered across the floor and there is broken glass everywhere. Her sink water is still running. What the? Ok, it seems that she is taking Jack's death a lot harder than ⟟ previously thought. ⟟ go over and turn off the water pick up the cookies and broken glass sweep the floors and wipe off the counters. "That's better." ⟟ look at the time to realize I'm about to be late so ⟟ grab the flowers and run I'm not gonna be late for his funeral.

technoblade pov:

dammit, dammmit! No no no no no no no! Wilbur and dahlia and Dream are going to kill all of them! I scream at the top of my lungs "DREAM SO HELP ME WHEN I GET OUT OF HERE YOUR DEAD!" ⏃ bright light shines right in front of me basically blinding me. The light dims and a green figure steps out. "DREAM WTF!" Dream grabbed my throat and the light dissolved. "⟟ am not dream foolish one I only take the form of dream." The figure has wings with the color of the void. His mask looks similar to dreams but is black and has a gold x through the sinter. ⟟ look above the mask and there are floating gold rings rotating above his head. "What are you?" The thing stands back and lifts up his arms a green mist emitting off of him "I am DREAMXD" wha- "but like what are you." he tilts his head a bit. "Ohhh I'm a god. Brother to the blood god. And father to the goddess of death."(my new oc Mabey) WHAT "HA IN YOUR FACE WILBUR THE BLOOD GOD IS REAL!" The chains binding my hands fall with nails scratching a chalkboard sound. "Why did you call me here child." I stand up and rub my wrist. "I needed help getting out of here I need to go stop my niece and brother from killing everyone." He flexes his wings. "everyone? like, everyone?" I nod my head. And he disappears without saying another word. What was even the point of him being here? the light shines again and a smaller object falls through. an ax? the blade of the ax is razor-sharp and has a pink liquid dripping off of it. when the pink liquid hits the floor it burns a little hole in it. pink acid? no, it's more than acid it smells like blood. but it also has like a magical gift sort of thing about it. like Mabey a gods blood. oh my gosh, I have an ax coved in a god's blood. I really am the strongest man on this server. I walk up the stairs to find the door when I run into a long hallway with bedroom doors lined up on the side of the walls. I walk along the doors till I reach a door engraved dahlia. I twist the door nob slightly and push the door open. books are scattered all over the floor. desk, and bookshelf. the last room looks like it came out of a fairytale this one looking as if she was living in a dungeon. the lights dim and trash everywhere. vines creeping up the wall.

I lean down picking up one of the books and examine the cover. it just says no. 406. I flip open the pages and page after page is just stories about her life day after day waiting for her dad to come home. watching him have a new child. watching him love Tommy more than he ever loved her. watching him die. yet page after page after page is just her forgiving him and blaming everyone else on the fact that he forgot about her. she still wants him to be the dad she read about in fairytales. she still has hope in him. and has lost hope in everyone else. like philza, there is an entire book about him killing Wilbur and ruining her life. or fundy he also has a book but it's split between him and sally. on multiple accounts, she just refers to sally as the wh*re that stole her dad. dahlia just wants her dad to love her again and she will kill to make that happen. I close the book grab my ax. I walk back over to the door and make my way back down the hallway. I need to get to the funeral and fast.

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