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dreams pov:

I and dahlia are walking through a dark tunnel. Techno had to get something and told her to watch me but apparently, she had other plans. After ⟟ promised my loyalty to "the cause" and she promised to not hurt goggy she took me to some hideout where apparently her dad was hiding. Which part of me still thought was jschlatt. The tunnel was dark and slimy the walls were covered in vines. When we walked out the end of the tunnel we ended up in a ravine. "Are we in pogtopiea?" she looked at me "yes that is what my dad called it to but ⟟ don't think it's ⏃ word." She started walking down the steep stairs pushing every button on the way down. She reminds me of someone ⟟ can't place at the moment.

we continued down the path at the bottom of the ravine past beds and chest. We pasted this crater in the ground and she stopped. She said, "this is where Tommy and techno fought. Techno obviously won but things were never the same." She chuckled lightly and continued "look ⟟ get fighting every once in and while and maybe ⏃ war or two. But this server there is always someone fighting or someone losing their home. Everything the light touches dies here. And you wanted to own it all dead or alive. That's why I'm here. To get rid of the disease and pestilence that reeks this land. Then there will be peace. That's what my dad told me ⟟ would do when ⟟ was 2." ⟟ looked down. Not wanting to make eye contact. "Then ⟟ got mad at him because he went and got himself stabbed. But not to worry you brought him back To Life!" ⟟ looked back up she was smiling again she is so f*cking creepy. Wait? Did she say ⟟ brought her dad back? My eyes widen.

 "Hey dream long time no see" a deep voice comes from behind me. ⟟ turn around slowly and sure enough, Wilbur soot is standing right there. His hair has some gray in it. And his clothes look worn but it's him. "W- will- Wilbur is y-our d-d dad." ⟟ should have known. ⟟ mean she is obviously crazy. But wow. ⟟ almost feel bad for her then ⟟ remember that she is killing one of my best friends in the morning. So screw her sad childhood!

after ⏃ bit of arguing and walking around, we reached ⏃ long hallway deep down in the ravine. It seemed to go on forever. We took multiple breaks on the way. After what seemed like 40,000 blocks later we reached ⏃ medium-sized room with chests and paper scattered everywhere there are vines and flowers growing up on the walls and ⏃ few video feeds coming from places like the community house and the l'amanhole. There is ⏃ center table that seems to be ⏃ type of block ⟟ have never seen before is has blue and black particles floating off of it like an enderman. Wilbur and dahlia are chatting by the blueprints of the prison when ⟟ walk over there they go dead silent. "Dream ⟟ know your ⏃

good but mediocre at best so ⟟ need you to spar me to see what we are working with." Dahlia says. At first, ⟟ think she's joking like obviously I'm ⏃ good fighter but she's like what 17 ⟟ would absolutely destroy her. She walks over to the other half of the room where the workout supplies are. And get ready to fight. She says no weapons and the first person to yell bloody murder loses. Wilbur looks at me and chuckles he must know that this is absurd and that she will get hurt. 

"On my count." Wilbur starts











 Dahlia runs over to me and punched me in the groin before ⟟ can even blink she knees me in the groin.⟟ go for ⏃ a headshot but swiftly dodges it. And kicks me in the shin. This goes on for 5-6 minutes before I'm on the ground. "How the f*ck can you dodge me so easily!" ⟟ still can't move she kicks me in the side. "You are just really bad at fighting. ⟟ spent at least 10 out of the 17 years ⟟ spent in that tower training. So predicting your moves are really easy." She kicks me again "OK- ok wow ⟟ give up!" ⟟ look up at Wilbur he is just sitting there smiling. He stands up and walks over to dahlia. "You won. Good job, you just beat the 3d best fighter on the server. Now we just have techno and sapnap." She looks back down at me "HE was the 3d best fighter on this server?! Why do we even need him this will be way too easy!" she kicks me again and laughs "he is double my size and he could not even land ⏃ punch!" She walks over to will and sits down at the table. "Trust me we need him." She rolls her eyes and hops back down she starts walking to the exit "hey where are you going?" Wilbur stands up to bring her back in. "⟟ have the stuff to do people to see!" She pulls away from him and walks back towards the community house.

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