Chapter 13 - Quidditch and Sirius Black

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My Firebolt sped across the pitch at such speed that the stadium turned into a green and grey blur; I turned it so sharply Katie screamed, then I went into a perfectly controlled dive, brushing the grassy pitch with my toes before rising thirty, forty, fifty feet into the air again -

"Daisy, I'm letting the Snitch out!" Oliver called.

I turned and raced a Bludger towards the goalposts; I outstripped it easily, saw the Snitch dart out from behind Oliver and within ten seconds had caught it tightly in my hand.

The team cheered madly. I let the Snitch go again, gave it a minute's head start, then tore after it, weaving in and out of the others; I spotted it lurking near Katie's knee, lopped her easily, and caught it again.

It was the best practice ever; the team, inspired by the presence of the Firebolts in their midst, performed their best moves faultlessly, and by the time we hit the ground again, Oliver didn't have a single criticism to make, which, as George pointed out, was a first.

"I can't see what's going to stop us tomorrow!" Oliver said. "Not unless - Daisy, Harry, you've sorted out your Dementor problem, haven't you?"

"Yeah." We chorused, me thinking of my feeble Patronus and wishing it was stronger.

"The Dementors won't turn up again, Oliver, Dumbledore'd do his nut." Fred said confidently.

"Well, let's hope not." Oliver said. "Anyway - good work, everyone. Let's get back to the Tower - turn in early..."

"I'm staying out for a bit, Ron, Terry, Draco, and the twins want goes on the Firebolt again." I told Oliver, and while the rest of the team headed off to the changing rooms, us two sets of twins strode over to Terry, Draco, and Ron, who vaulted the barrier to the stands and came to meet us. Madam Hooch had fallen asleep in her seat.

I handed Terry my broom, while Harry handed Ron his, and they both took off. Us twins and Draco all walked around the edge of the pitch, chatting and watching the dorks.

Then they came down and Fred and George had goes on them. Draco then had a go on mine. Then Harry and I went on them, chasing each other and high-fiving each other on the way past. Madam Hooch woke up and told us off for not waking her up. We all dandered out of the shadowy stadium, discussing the Firebolt's superbly smooth action, it's phenomenal acceleration and its pinpoint turning.

We were halfway towards the castle when Harry stopped dead.

"What's the matter?" I said.

Harry pointed at a pair of glowing eyes in the dark. Terry pulled out his wand and muttered, "Lumos!"

A beam of light fell across the grass, hit the bottom of a tree and illuminated its branches; there, crouching amongst the budding leaves, was Crookshanks.

"Get out of it!" Ron roared, and he stooped down and seized a stone lying on the grass, but before he could do anything else, Crookshanks had vanished with one swish of his long ginger tail.

"See?" Ron said furiously, chucking the stone down again. "She's still letting him wander about wherever he wants - probably washing down Scabbers with a couple of birds now..."

Scabbers had gone missing, and Ron blamed Hermione and her cat for it.

* When we got back into the castle, we passed an empty classroom and someone yanked me into it. Floppy pinned me against the wall while Ash locked the door and Spieler and Rudd watched.

"Okay, what the fuck do you assholes want this time?" I said, pissed.

"You know what I want. And these guys want it too." Floppy grinned.

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