Chapter 15 - The Quidditch Cup Final

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"Let's get ready to PARTAY!" Fred yelled over the railing of our landing in Gryffindor Tower. The boys down below all cheered, and the sixth- and seventh-years above us just sighed.

Half an hour later, and every single person in the boys' dorms in Gryffindor Tower was either drunk or high or swinging from the ceiling.

It was great banter.

Then, the next night, everyone that played Capture the Flag, Wizard-Style, had a midnight feast up on the Astronomy Tower. Also great banter.

Buckbeak lost the trial and is going to be executed. Hagrid was really depressed after getting the news.

After Care of Magical Creatures, Hagrid was sobbing into a handkerchief as he hurried back to his cabin.

"Look at him blubber!"

We all whirled around. Floppy, Ash, Spieler, and Rudd (obviously having just met up) were leaning against the castle wall, smirking.

"Have you ever seen anything quite as pathetic?" Floppy smirked.

"And he's supposed to be our teacher!" Ash agreed. "I agree, it's pathetic."

Harry, Ron, and Shannon all made furious moves towards them, Draco watching me anxiously, but Hermione and I got there first - SMACK!

Hermione had slapped Ash around the face with all the strength she could muster, and I had punched Floppy in the face. They both staggered. The others all stood flabbergasted as we both raised our hands again, having identical thoughts.

"You evil little cockroach!" Hermione shrieked.

"Don't you DARE call Hagrid pathetic - ha, YOU'RE one to talk!" I snarled.

"Hermione -" Ron said weakly as Draco said, "Daisy -"

They both tried to grab our hands as we swung them back (I still ship Romione!).

"Get OFF, Ron!" Hermione said. She pulled out her wand. I followed suit. Floppy and Ash stepped backwards. Spieler and Rudd looked to Floppy for instructions, thoroughly bewildered, though Rudd had a kind of 'You deserve this, mate' look on his face.

"Yeah, I could say the same for you Weakling." Floppy smirked at me.

I froze. What? What did he just say to me?

But Draco stepped in. "Don't you dare call her pathetic." He said quietly, his voice full of dangerous rage. "Or weak, because Godric knows that you are the most pathetic and weak person on this planet. You're pathetic because you try to hurt Daisy, use her past against her, things that aren't her fault. And you're weak because you aren't man enough to leave her alone."

We all stared at Draco with incredibly increased respect and awe.

Floppy's face turned. We watched the tension between the two cousins get bigger. He looked like he was struggling to find a suitable comeback, but he ain't gonna find one.

"Do you call yourself a man, Draco? 'Cause you're the one hanging out with filthy Mudbloods, blood traitors, and a broken, used little toy, played with by the Dark Lord, like HER." He spat, looking at me.

Draco stepped up to his cousin so that their faces were an inch apart. Him being a little taller than Floppy, he stared down into his eyes with a furious, burning hatred.

"Don't you DARE call her that, you fucking COWARD."

It happened so fast I barely caught it. Floppy's fist flew into Draco's face. Draco retaliated, and it soon turned into a full-on fight.

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