Chapter 6 - Major Prank War

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All the contestants in the Major Prank War were: The Insurgents, Harry, Ron, Amy, Suzanne, Shannon, Lee, Draco, Katie, Leanne, Lewis, Kurt, Colin, Louis, Ginny, the Gryffindor second year's, and the Gryffindor Quidditch Team.

It began one morning when I wrote all the Oliver Wood jokes on Post-It notes, sneaked up to his dorm, and stuck them all over his stuff. Luckily he and Percy didn't wake up.

When I sneaked back to my dorm, someone had pinned all my underwear to my bedsheets.

"Godric fucking damn it." I huffed, pulling them all off. I heard Lee's cackling from our private bathroom.

I grabbed an Oreo packet from my food stash under my bed and took off the tops of the biscuits. I scraped all the cream off, and put toothpaste on instead. I put the tips back on, and hid the Oreo packet under Lee's pillow.

I then dandered down to the Great Hall, hands in my pockets, whistling. I saw Fred and George, whispering, at the corner of the table.

Instead of going to sit by them, I sneaked past Suzanne at the Hufflepuff table and slipped a book into her pocket. It was 'Arthur Kills a Hobo for his Clothes'. (On the side xD)

I sneaked back over to the Gryffindor table and watched her as she searched her pockets for a quill. She suddenly looked puzzled, and drew out the book from a pocket. She looked at the cover, and at this point I had to dash out of the Hall because I was laughing so much.

In Charms, I sat beside Terry and Amy again. I discreetly charmed their robes red and gold instead of blue and bronze.

When they noticed, they started freaking out.

"SOFTPAW!" Terry yelled, trying to turn them back.

"Daisy - you little shit -" Amy shrieked, dancing around.

I just cackled.

In Astronomy, I sat beside Harry and Ron. I charmed the blackboard so that the chalk would always write 'Dean Thomas is a little bitch'. I also jinxed Harry's glasses to make his eyes seem really huge.

In History of Magic, everyone was looking for revenge.

Suzanne charmed my hair so that it was even more curly and it looked as though my head had exploded.

Harry hexed my snake's skin so that it turned neon pink.

"He's a little bastard." My tiny, baby snake hissed to me.

"Agreed." I hissed back.

"I heard that!" Harry hissed to us. The kids in the seats around us looked at us, confused.

"We don't speak Parseltongue!" Seamus exclaimed.

Then, being an ironic little bastard, he cursed Harry and I so that the only thing we could speak was Parseltongue for half an hour.

When Draco fell asleep on the desk next to me, I took advantage of that, and drew a Dark Mark on his arm.

It was so realistic that when he woke up, he starting screaming at it.

I hacked into Seamus's account on Facebook and changed his status to 'I'm gay'.

Then Amy texted me during class. My text tone rang out, and everyone turned to look at me, including Professor Binns.

After class, I tried to find a bathroom. I say, TRIED, because every single bathroom I came across had the little symbol of a boy on it. Even bathrooms I could swear were the girl's...

I heard Terry snigger from around the corner, and sighed. I went into the next bathroom I came across that I remembered was a girl's one.
Terry was charming the symbols, the little shit.

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