Chapter 10 - What Did I Just Hear

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After freaking out and smashing stuff after my friends telling me that the Whomping Willow broke my broom, it was a relief to return to the noise and bustle of the main school.

But Floppy was almost beside himself with glee at Gryffindor's defeat. He had finally taken off his bandages, and celebrated having the full use of both arms again by doing spirited imitations of me falling off my broom. He spent much of our next Potions class doing Dementor imitations across the dungeon; Ron finally cracked, flinging a large, slippery crocodile heart at Floppy, which hit him in the face and caused Snape to take fifty points from Gryffindor. But it was so worth it to see Floppy's face!

After DADA one day, Professor Lupin kept Harry and I after class, and we chatted about the Dementors. According to him, we're not weak, we've just had horrors in our past that the Dementors bring up and that's why we faint.

"When they get near us -" Harry started.

"- We can hear Voldemort murdering our mum." I finished.

Lupin made a sudden motion with his arms as though he'd made to grip our shoulders, but thought better of it.

"And I can hear...I can hear Tom Riddle too..." I said bitterly.

Lupin looked determined. "I can help you two defend yourselves against them so you won't ever have to hear those - those things again."

And so we made arrangements for Anti-Dementor lessons.


For revenge for the 'comments' Fred and George made about what we were doing that night in the Great Hall, Terry had come up with an excellent idea.

Do the exact same I did to Zabini. I was a bit uneasy about this, as I didn't want to cheat on my boyfriend again, even though it wasn't really cheating - neither was it with Zabini, as Terry knew and accepted it.

He was the one who came up with the idea in the first place!

So I hid some Ecstasy under my tongue and entered the common room, Terry tailing me. I saw Fred heading up the staircase to the boy's dorms. I smirked and followed him.

When he reached our room, I hurried up to him.

"Hey, Red." I said casually.

"S'up, Softpaw?" He grinned.

"I heard that you think I'm hot." I said. Technically, I did - when I read his mind when his twin took that picture.

"How did you know?" Fred sniggered.

It was just like him to just outright say it, not even try to deny it!

"I have my sources." I moved closer to him. "What do you say we forget Hopper and have a little snog?"

"Softpaw! What's gotten into you!" Fred laughed. "Hopper's my best friend, why would -"

Fuck, of course. None of the Insurgents would betray another member. Looks like I'll have to Confund him...

"Confundo!" I hissed at him. He had a dazed look on now. Yes!

"So, whaddya say?" I winked at him.

"Yeah." Fred said dazedly.

I grabbed the front of his robes and yanked his face down to mine. Our lips met, and I pushed the drugs through to his mouth. I laughed and drew away.

"But Softpaw, come back -!" He called after me with a vague expression on his face as I darted into the toilets with Terry, and we watched him lose grip of reality.

After finding George, who had gone to fetch a book from the library for him and Fred, and pushing the drugs into his mouth too, both the twins were now high.

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