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(The pic ... I cannot)

I did not nearly stress as much for what I was going to wear on my first date with Terry than how I'm stressing now, for my first date with Dragon.

There was nothing I could wear.


I ran my hands through my hair in frustration. None of these would work! I pulled a red dress out of the closet and tossed it aside onto the large-and-growing-larger pile of discarded clothes. I pulled out a tiny, white, see-through, floaty t-shirt and contemplated it for a second. Then I threw that onto the pile as well.

I groaned in panic. Fred, George, and Lee were watching amusedly from their beds. They were no help at all. Honestly.

I went onto the 'Gryffindor Third Year Girls' group chat on Messenger and typed out a quick, 'HELP ME!'

All three of them replied at the exact same time.

Lavender: Lemme guess, clothes issue for le date

Parvati: omg she's having a Clothes Crisis bc of draco

Hermione: Be right over.

And sure enough, a literal twenty seconds later and they all tumbled into my dorm.

"OMG Daisy I totally see your problem! None of these would DO." Lavender gushed. "No, no, no! You need something like..."

Minutes later, and we had finally picked the right outfit. A dark blue, sleeveless dress with matching pumps. Yes!

"You guys are geniuses!" I nearly cried at them. We all group-hugged. "Thanks SO much, you literally saved my ass!"

"No problemo!" Lavender grinned.

"Any time." Hermione smiled.

And so I awkwardly met Draco in Hogsmeade. And by awkwardly, I mean tumbling out of the trapdoor to the basement of Honeydukes, and him catching me around the waist before I fell.

"Thanks." I blushed. I was hyper-aware of his hands on me - the places where he touched were burning through my skin, setting my heart ablaze.

And a million butterflies were fluttering in my stomach. I felt like I was going to swoon when he whispered, "No problem." in my ear and led me out of Honeydukes, with a hand still around my waist. I snuck a sideways glance at him. His hair was extra fluffy and soft-looking, like he'd just got out of the shower. I wanted to run my hands through it...

He led me to the Three Broomsticks, and held the door open for me. I swear I nearly fainted.

Why didn't I get any of these intense feelings when I was with Terry?

We sat down at a booth in the corner. We just sort of stared at each other for a few minutes, his eyes roaming all over me, mine - well, doing the exact same. His eyes were like grey storms with little flecks of blue, intense and filled with an emotion that I didn't quite catch. He was smiling slightly, biting his lip a little as he surveyed my face. I couldn't stop my eyes flitting down to his lips as he did that. Anything that attracts my attention to his lips made my face turn a brilliant shade of pink, as pointed out to me by my friends in class, and made my mind fill with images of what I could do to those lips.

And that was what was happening now.

"So ... what would you like?" Draco grinned slightly.

"A piece of that ass would be nice." It came straight out of my mouth as soon as I turned my attention to his ass.


"I'd like a piece of your ass, too." He smirked at me and shifted slightly closer so that our shoulders were touching. I felt his hand trail down my back to my ass, causing tingles all over my skin. His face was inches away from mine as he gazed into my eyes. His were slightly darker than a minute ago. I could feel his breath, a light breeze on my lips...

Daisy Potter and the Awesomest Godfather Ever (Book 3, Harry Potter ff)Where stories live. Discover now