Chapter 20 - Oops, Kissed The Wrong Lad

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I nodded, grinning.

"But -" Hermione began. And then her eyes became very round. "OH!"

"Now, pay attention." Dumbledore said, speaking very low, and very clearly. "Sirius is locked in Professor Flitwick's office on the seventh floor. Thirteenth window from the right of the West Tower. If all goes well, you will be able to save more than one innocent life tonight. But remember this, all of you - you must not be seen. Daisy, Hermione, you know the law - you know what is at stake ... you - must - not - be - seen."

Dumbledore and Emily turned on their heels and he looked back as they reached the door.

"I am going to lock you in. It is -" He consulted his watch. "Five minutes to midnight. Three turns should do it. Good luck."

The door closed behind them. I whipped out my Time-Turner.

"OH, that's what he was on about!" Terry grinned.

"Harry, Draco, you go with Mynee. You guys, you're with me." I grinned at the Insurgents.

I threw the chain around their necks as we huddled together, as the other three did the same. I turned the hour-glass over three times. Everything blurred and colours and shapes rushed past us. Then, suddenly, everything came into focus again - we were standing in the Entrance Hall. I lifted the chain off Terry, Fred and George.

"In here!" Hermione dragged us all into a broom closet.

"Orgy, Hermione?" George smirked.

"Not complaining!" Fred smirked too.

"No." She shot them both a dirty look. "Now shh, we're coming!"

Footsteps sounded across the hall, along with a clatter of small-sounding claws. They faded as we probably went down the front steps.

"Daisy, go out and check that we're gone." Hermione said.

I swiped the Cloak from Harry and threw it over me. I sneaked out of the broom closet and peeked around the side of the doors. We were gone. Well, our past-selves were. No, our present-selves ... I don't even know anymore -

Someone came careering around the corner towards the eight of us heading towards Hagrid's hut. Not the ones in the broom closet. Damn, this is confusing -

The person slammed straight into me and we both fell over. The Cloak slipped off me.

"Bruh!" I blurted.

* The person - a guy, by the feel of it - tugged me up in a super-strong grip and wrestled me around the corner.

"What the hell, man?" I huffed at him.

"Still not got it yet?" Floppy's voice sounded behind me.

"Are you serious?" I moaned. "Again?"

Think of the time we're wasting! If we're going to rescue Buckbeak - which is what I assumed Dumbledore meant us to do, as well as save Sirius - we're going to need to move fast! I can't use my powers - because I can't, not in situations where I'm nervous, I've found out - I know, I need to get a grip on that...

"Again." Floppy said behind me. "And you'll be moaning in a much different situation -"

I flicked my heel up, but he shifted behind me and I kicked his thigh instead.

"Now, now, play nice." I heard the smirk in his voice.

"Says you, Mr Hypocrite." I hissed. I strained against the arms hooked around my own.

"Oh?" He yanked me closer. "What violence have I ever used against you?"

I tried to facepalm. "Are you serious? Let's see ... when you punched me in the face, when you cut me open, when you used the Cruciatus Curse on me ...?" I strained my fingers downwards, towards my pocket, where my wand was.

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