Chapter 16 - Why Does Everyone Want To Steal My Powers?

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Fred, George, and I 'disappeared' again for another couple of hours to fetch some supplies from Hogsmeade. When we returned to the common room, we threw the sweets into the crowd and started partying.

The twins and I cleared the middle of the common room and set up a dance floor. We led the dance, playing wild pop music from our wands. It was the most fun I had had in a long time.

We continued on well into the night. Professor McGonagall came in at about three in the morning AND JOINED US. It was bloody amazing. She danced with Fred for one dance then galloped out of the portrait hole, waving her hat in our direction.

Angelina and Katie drank a hell of a lot of Firewhiskey. Harry, surprisingly, was dancing along quite well. I didn't think he was much of a party guy!

Oliver was the one who danced the wildest. He was so ecstatic - that was an understatement - that we won the Cup that he had the energy of ten firsties drinking coffee.

Fred and George confessed to me that their goal in life was to build a joke shop. We pondered on what to call it, and after a few hours, came up with the amazing name of, 'Weasley's Wizard Wheezes'. We even Facetimed Terry and we all came up with an ingenious idea: make a black market behind WWW, called 'Insurgent's Infamous Inferno'.

The party only ended when we all had to go to class on Monday (yes, MONDAY).

* When I got out of the last class of the day, somebody snatched me into an empty classroom again, that person obviously being Floppy.

"Again?!" I groaned. "Why so soon?"

This time I noticed the Three Douchebags were only lingering in the background. He smirked, studying my face.

"How's your head and nose?" He said, referring to the huge bruise on my temple and the time when he had got me in the face with a Bludger.

"Perfectly fine, now what do you want this time?"

"It's pretty obvious, Weakling." Floppy said, eyeing my lips.

He suddenly dived for them, forcing his tongue into my mouth. I tried to bite it, but he pressed his wand into my side. He felt me up, slipping his hands into my trousers, and running his hands over my knickers. He put a finger under the elastic on either side - and pulled down...

"I get a boner when I see you..." He whispered maliciously into my ear suddenly, when he came up for air.

"Well, my middle finger gets a boner when I see you." I sassed.

"You -" Floppy growled, but I stopped him.

"No. Shut up. You sound like a complete dick when you talk." I said. "It's just better not to."

Floppy's fist connected with my face, sending me to the floor. I lay there, the world spinning around me. What the hell? I have never fought anyone that has a punch as strong as that. And believe me, I have fought a good many people - I used to hang out in the backstreets.

Ash and Spieler were watching with enjoyment on their faces. Rudd was shifting uncomfortably on his feet.

I staggered up. "Think you're a big man, hitting a girl, do you?"

I was sent to the floor again before I knew it. Floppy crawled on top of me and started punching my sides, my face. I felt like I was going to pass out soon.

Shit! My defence system was going to come out soon. It was where my powers would blast the person or thing hurting me away. It had happened on street fights when huge people challenged me to a fight (but it was very rarely that I couldn't handle them!).

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