Train of Thoughts

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Dreams Pov:

Dream said he'd focus, he promised that he wouldn't fail, more than promised, he swore.

"DREAM" He jumped, Ms. Minx was standing in front of his desk, glowering, "Look, Dream if you continue on like this I'm going to have to fail you, now this is your one chance to actually pass this class with a decent grade and your dreaming about WHO KNOWS WHAT, FOCUS"

He muttered an apology and sat up straighter, behind him sapnap snickered and flicked the back of his neck "Shut it" the blonde snapped.

The teacher went on, ranting about some project or other. This wasn't the first time he'd dozed off, his thoughts drifting every which way, it wasn't his fault though, He tried to focus, really he did. It's just the class...well there wasn't really anything wrong with the class but it was a good excuse to use so for now he'd use it.

Suddenly everyone was getting up, so naturally, Dream got up as well except instead of exiting the classroom, like he thought they would, they were gathering together in small groups.

"Sap, what's going on?" He asked turning around to face his friend.

"We're supposed to get in groups, you idiot." His friend replied

"God, I wish quackity chose psychology" He muttered under his breath, his friend let out a low chuckle.

"I heard him and techno are reenacting the Roman invasion in history" Sapnap replied, Dream snorted but quickly covered it with a cough when Ms. Minx glared at him.

"I bet Tech is gonna scare half the class by waving a cardboard sword at them while yelling 'blood for the blood gods'." The blonde replied, he heard is friend giggling, when he tried controlling them his face looked red and his cheeks puffed out like a pufferfish.

"And-and Quackity" he paused still recovering from his fit of giggles, "He's just gonna be handing techno the props with a big smile on his face because he's helping" With that both of them burst out laughing, not even caring that the teacher was heading their way.

"I suggest you both get into pairs, If you don't by the end of the lesson I will be forced to give you a detention, DID YOU HEAR ME PAIR UP" The woman screamed, Sapnap grimaced and Dream sighed.

"Wannabe partners?" Dream asked a hint of desperation creeping into his voice, now most of the class had partners and if he didn't find one soon, he'd have to sit for an hour, staring at the clock waiting for it to tick-tock towards the end of his demise.

"Sorry, I promised Karl I'd partner up with him this time" The brunet replied glumly.

"Oh," Dream replied, he was disappointed to say the least, He made a slow 360 turn, his eyes scanning the class as he went. Suddenly he spotted an empty chair and rushed to it, plopping himself down before turning around to see the back of a brunet boy's head.

George's Pov: (So far I feel like it's going good :D)

Ms.Minx was screaming again, he didn't know who she was screaming at, he didn't care, besides he was busy debating whether or not he should finally sit with a certain blonde boy or not. Skeppy was sitting beside him drawing something, George didn't know what, on George's hand with his whiteboard marker. George cared even less about that, he could always wash it off, besides, (You're saying it wrong its wingardium leviOsa, not wingardium Lev- ill stop sorry) he liked the messy lines and curves, they reminded him of when he used to sit and watch his mother put on eyeliner in front of the mirror when he was little.

All of a sudden, there was a lot of bustling and yelling, at first he thought the teacher had left the classroom and a riot had broken out, but then why is no one jumping over the desks? He turned to Skeppy to ask him what was going on.

"Skep what is everyone doing?" He asked, still questioning why no one was acting as they usually would in the disappearance of a teacher.

"I don't know, hold on I'll ask Bad" With that Skeppy turned towards his boyfriend and whispered something, Bad looked confused before realizing and getting agitated.

"Oh my god, you don't know how to do anything do you?", He huffed, " We should get into pairs for a month-long project on attraction, it's worth half of our grade so You better get with someone your good with." He turned his full attention on Skeppy after that, scolding him for not listening in class and vandalizing Georges's hand. George sighed and turned back to the front, he heard loud laughter, then screaming, probably some kid making jokes. Ms. Minx was a good teacher it's just, well, she wasn't the nicest. She didn't have favorites but she treated a part of the class generally worst than the rest of the students. George had to hear her scream her lungs out at least one unfortunate student. George didn't know who; he never paid attention.

Suddenly he felt a hand tapping him on the back, he turned around to see forest green eyes staring straight at him.

Ok my angels this was the first chapter I hope you liked it, I loved writing this and I hoped you liked reading it :D don't forget to eat and drink water here's some ice cream🍨 sleep well my loves -Mars

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