Sweet Release of Death

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George wants to strangle someone

The boys had run to the most discreet, high-security place in the entire cafe as soon as they saw Dream.

The men's restroom.

Sapnap and Bad were arguing, Techno was trying to wake himself up by drowning in the sink, Wilbur was taking a piss in one of the dark green stalls, Skeppy and Karl were pacing back and forth and George sat in the corner, pale and speechless.

"What the fuck are we supposed to do he's literally right outside," Sapnap said wringing his hands together nervously. Bad was about to intervene with his usual "Language" before deciding that right now probably wasn't the best time to lecture someone on their behaviour.

"Why don't we just go out of the bathroom and greet him, pretend that we ran into each other or something." Bad suggested softly, Karl stopped and looked like he was about to say something before a sharp "NO" interrupted him.

Everyone looked at George, even Techno who was glaring at the tissue dispenser just moments before.

"Why not? It'll be fine, George" Karl said, he walked up to the pale boy and plopped down beside him before frowning and looking around, "This isn't the most hygienic place to sit down"

"It won't be fine, I'm going to be weird then he's going to be awkward and hate me and then our friendship will be ruined and it's going to be all my fault," George said, hiding his face in his hands. Sapnap's eyebrows shot up in shock, he didn't expect George to be this worried about Dream's reaction. To be honest, he thought George was just infatuated with Dream, he didn't actually think that George had a full-blown crush on his best friend. it was a bit weird but he didn't mind it.

 "George, I've known Dream ever since we were 7 years old, he would never, ever do something like that, he cares too much about you," Sapnap said trying to sound as reassuring as possible. George still looked sceptical. Sapnap exhaled, this was going to take a lot more convincing than he thought. "Dude, ever since you guys partnered up he's been talking about you nonstop, I literally threw my entire shawarma at him to try and shut him up and he wouldn't stop. Trust me, it'll be fine"

"Promise you aren't just saying that to shut me up?" George whispered, eyeing the short bandanaed boy in front of him.

"You want me to pinky promise?" Sapnap replied smiling, George finally grinned, relaxing before realizing he was still sitting on the dirtiest floor in the entire building and quickly standing up with a disgusted expression.

"Alright, ready guys?" Bad said hand extended to reach the door handle.

A chorus of 'yes's answered and everyone filed out of the bathroom.


George is regretting his decisions

He is internally manifesting the sweet release of death.

He took one look at Dream, who still had his back turned to them, before pivoting on his heel and almost sprinting to the bathroom if it wasn't for Bad who was holding on to his sleeve and Sapnap who stood behind him.

"Nope, come on George you're so close, he's literally right there," Sapnap said gripping his shoulders and turning him back around to face the back of the oblivious blond boy.

"Sapnap, buddy, bestie, lets just-lets just stop to think about this, huh? I'll get you a coffee?" George said grinning like a salesman. The grin dropped when he saw that Sapnap's facial expression hadn't changed, "Sapnap I will sue you, this is coercion, you're making me do something against my will. I will take you to court." Sapnap just shook his head chuckling and gently pushed George towards Dream's table.

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