Coffee and Matchmaking

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"What if we lock them in a room and not let them leave until something happens?"

"I'm pretty sure that's illegal"

"What if we tease them?"

"We already do that, Karl, we need something better"

"What if we just let them get together naturally?"


"That's just dumb"

"It was still a good idea though, Bad, don't worry" Skeppy replied, patting his boyfriend's back. Wilbur sighed.

"We'll never get them together this sucks," Wilbur said uselessly blowing air into the small hole in his piping hot coffee cup, "I wish we could just push them together and make them date, George has literally been pining for blondie ever since like freshman year" 

"I bet even if we did do that George would object" Skeppy added.

"Same with Dream," Sapnap said, he closed his eyes looking stressed when suddenly he opened them again his eyes going wide.

"I have an idea"


George's Pov:

George was lying on his bed, one hand mindlessly scrolling through Twitter while the other petted his cat, Cat. Cat was 10 years old and had been with George since he was 6 years old. He doesn't quite remember when one of his mums took her in all he remembers was how patient she was with him. Back then George, being the average child who watched Curious George 974 times a day, was very pleased to find out he had a companion, most of the times when he was little he would pretend to be Monkey-George while Cat would be the boring yellow man that made  Monkey-George follow the rules. Sometimes they'd switch roles but most of the time George would pretend to go on adventures wearing his monkey onesie while Cat, with a small piece of yellow fabric on her tail, chased him around meowing in joy.  

His phone rang abruptly, jolting him out of his thoughts. He checked the caller id with a glance before doing a double-take. Sapnap? Why was Sapnap calling him? And why right now? He thought the ravenette was hanging out with friends.

He sighed before answering the call, the hand that was petting Cat just a few seconds ago now lay still, fingers still clutching her soft short hair.

"Hey, I thought you were with someone right now. wait don't tell're calling because Karl broke up with you and you're trying to see if my amazing, wonderful, hot self was willing to take a chance on you?" He started playfully. Sapnap responded with a long drawn out "shut up" and George could practically hear the eye-roll through the phone. They both stayed silent for a while before simultaneously bursting into laughter and ending with syncing "aaahh"s.

"No, but actually why did you call me," George said after the giggles and snorts subsided leaving him with a big smile on his face.

"Oh, I just wanted to invite you over" At that George frowned. Why would Sapnap of all people want George, OF ALL PEOPLE, to join him and his friends, who mind you are probably a bunch of strangers?

"Are you sure? I mean I wouldn't want to intrude and besides, I don't know the-" He began before being cut off by the sound of a loud moan that sounded suspiciously like Quackity and a very familiar voice screaming, "QUACKITY WE'RE IN A CAFE"

"Bad? What? wait Sapnap who are you hanging out with? if you don't mind me asking." George said pausing before quickly adding the last part.

"Guys introduce yourselves to sir Grogington the third"

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