The Plan by Karl and Bad(cause the others were lazy)

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Karl dropped his cup next to George, who was too engrossed in looking at Dream write to notice, before rushing over to Sapnap to tell him the news.

As he expected, Sapnap almost fell over in shock, Karl had to hold his teetering chair back before it tipped over, after making sure Sapnap was okay he asked the question that was on both of their minds.

"So what do we do now?"

"Get them together"

"Yea but how?"



"We'll need the whole gang for this"



Night had come and the late September air blew in causing George to involuntarily shiver, Chloe noticed and shut the window, while offering to give him a biscuit seeing as she'd forgotten to give him one when he arrived. He was now slowly making his way through a large bowl of, in his opinion, the best cookies he'd ever tasted.

"Hey Dream," George said in the middle of his sugar-induced haze. Dream hummed in response, George huffed and tried again, "Dreeeaaamm"

Dream ran a hand through his hair before looking straight up at George who was holding out a cookie for the green-eyed boy to take.

"Want one?" George asked making sure not to add too much pressure on the cookie so as not to let it crumble.

"Yeah sure" Dream answered reaching to get it from across the table, once he had grabbed it, he was about to pull back before his hand grazed the others and George recoiled so fast he almost punched himself. Immediately his cheeks were getting rosy and he looked at his notes pretending to read over them for the millionth time instead of actually looking at Dream who was currently trying very hard to control his blush. The cookie lay forgotten beside him.

Meanwhile, Karl and Sapnap had just finished writing down the notes they'll discreetly hand out to the group, excluding the dinner duo, of course, all attempts at finishing their project had been abandoned and their laptops lay closed in front of them. Karl yawned.

"You know you can always sleep here if you want, right?" Sapnap said,  his tone implying something more but Karl being the oblivious "muffin" he was didn't get the hint and simply nodded patting the other boy's shoulder which resulted in a very flustered Sapnap.

"Hey guys, what are you making?" Skeppy said, walking up to them while munching on another cookie. Sapnap waved him over to try and distract himself from what had happened just a few seconds earlier.

"Here take these and pass them on, don't give them to Romeo and Romeo over there though," Sapnap said handing Skeppy the ink-plastered papers and pointing at the blond and brunet boys sitting across from each other on the wooden note-covered table.

"uh sure", the hoodie-clad boy pulled a note out of the fairly small pile of papers and read it, his face contorted into a confused expression, "why do we need to meet? and why that particular cafe?" he asked. Karl piped up from behind them both.

"we'll tell you later when we actually meet", and after a few seconds added, "the cafe has great coffee."

Skeppy nodded in understanding before leaving to pass on the notes.

"We are so fucked if they catch us"

Sapnap smiled


"Do you think they're up to something?" George asked, his hand on his chin staring at the group of boys who were deep in conversation about something he was too far away to hear. Dream looked up, eyes meeting Sapnap's who just raised his brows at the eye contact. Dream shrugged in response before turning back to George who was still staring at the rowdy group of boys in what seemed to be suspicion with a hint of amusement but mainly just suspicion, at least that's what it looked like to Dream. 

"Meh, they're always up to something" Dream answered nonchalantly, "Hey, you don't have to worry, I know it's been like a week but you can trust us, we're harmless and I mean that literally, Quackity cannot pick up a knife to save his life, I think there are higher chances that he'll accidentally stab himself instead of his victim" At George's concerned look, Dream quickly added, " Not that I know, we've never tried to stab anyone"

The brown-eyed boy chuckled smiling softly, "I know you won't stab me I'm just-People are so judgemental and it's only been a week and you guys are great it's just..." He said trailing off. Dream shifted a little so his hand was closer to George's and smiled.

"It's ok, I get it, I was like that in the beginning too but I promise you they will never ever judge you or exclude you or bully you or turn on you or anything like that", He paused, clearly contemplating whether he should add something else before sighing and looking George right in the eye before saying, "I would never do that"

George smiled finding it sweet that Dream wanted to reassure him, the blond looked back down at his work George didn't miss the red ears Dream was currently trying to hide.

"Thank you," George said faintly, Dream looked back up in surprise, his cheeks glowing bright red.

"It's nothing, I mean well it's something but I just wanted to hel-" 

"Thank you," George said once again, giving Dream another chance to reply.

The green-eyed boy resigned and shook his head softly " You're welcome George"

Someone snickered

Both boys turned their heads in the direction of the sound and found Quackity covering his mouth clearly holding back laughter.

"Are you ok?" Dream asked, Quackity burst out laughing alerting the other boys.

"Yep, why don't you focus on your boyfriend Romeo" The short boy replied before being smacked by Sapnap from behind.

"Leave them alone" He muttered to Quackity before turning around towards George and Dream and smiling "He doesn't mean that, keep flirting"

Wilbur, who was observing all this with a small smile, burst into a fit of laughter holding his side in joy, Karl giggled and Skeppy snorted loudly, Bad and Techno were too busy debating whether or not 'Dick' was an appropriate word to put in an English essay and the dinner duo turned red, George refused to look at Dream and the blond was glaring at Sapnap who calmly smirked.

"Don't listen to them, they're idiots half of them have never even been in a relationship" Dream said accidentally placing his hand on George's who turned even redder, if that was possible and froze, Dream noticed and swiftly pulled his hand back and picked up a few papers to play it off, pretending to read through them.

George cleared his throat, "Uh Dream"


"The notes are on the back of the page"


YAY NEW CHAPTER, a lot more karlnap and dnf here hehe also we reached a hundred views like a week ago so I'm happily celebrating that :) thank youuuuu anyway don't forget to eat and drink water here's some cereal 🥣 and sleep well loves - Mars

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