Deep Breaths

49 4 17

George Pov:

45 minutes had passed and the class was nearing its end when George felt a tap on his shoulder. Thinking it was just one of his friends playing around, he ignored it, when it happened the second time, however, he whirled around wondering what could be so important the tapper had to interrupt the easily-provoked teacher's lesson.

George's almost-rant was cut short when he saw Dream smiling nervously at him. His insides fluttered. 

"What?" He mouthed, Dream began mouthing something back but gave up and resorted to writing his message on a sticky note at George's confusion. He glanced up at Ms Minx before, as discreetly as he could, handing it to the brunet.

What did you want to tell me yesterday :)

Panic seized George by the throat and cut his breath short. How could he forget about that?! He quickly plastered on a quick (forced) smile and wrote something back before sliding it back to Dream. The blond boy read it eagerly before raising his eyebrows in surprise and was about to write something back when he noticed George had already turned around to face the front. Dream could only see the boy's flushed neck and silky hair. Deciding not to bother him anymore he promptly crumpled up the note before placing it in his bag.

A couple of minutes later class had ended and George made a beeline for the restroom. After checking to make sure nobody was present, he flung his bag to the side, opened a tap and splashed as much water as he could on his face, fully aware, and not caring, that it was ice cold and was probably going to seep into his vest and run down his neck. He was hoping that the effects of his makeshift shower would make him more alert or at least make him look more alert. Dream entered right after George had managed to dry off and the brunet regretted ever asking his crush to meet him in a school bathroom.

All of his earlier confidence from yesterday had suddenly vanished and was now replaced with the stomach-churning feeling of facing possible rejection. George felt like flushing himself down the toilet.

"Hey", the blond spoke, vaguely aware of the tension surrounding George, " what was it that you needed to tell me?"

George could barely breathe let alone speak.

"Hey, you ok?", Dream was getting closer, "is it bad news? you don't have to tell me if you're uncomfortable, I'm fine with that" He said gently reaching a hand out to touch George's arm. The shorter boy blinked rapidly as if he had just realized what was happening and turned a deep shade of scarlet.

Deep breath


"I need to tell you something" He spluttered, internally face-planting at his stupidity. Of course, he needed to tell Dream something. Before Dream had the chance to reply George hurriedly corrected himself feeling like an idiot.

"I-I mean um I..."

"It's okay take your time" Dream said with a kind, slightly amused, smile.

"I- oh my god I can't do this" George said, frustrated with himself, "this was stupid, I'm sorry I wasted your time I- sorry"

Dream's momentary shock gave George enough time to push himself away, grab his bag and run out. He ran all the way to the end of the school and didn't stop, pushing the heavy school doors open he sprinted out onto the lawn, passing by the football team and the gardening club before finally stopping at a small shed near the end of the giant green landscape. Swallowing tears he threw his bag down and hugged his knees tightly hoping the pressure was enough to keep him together. The last thing he wanted was to break down at school.

Not only did he humiliate himself but he also probably made things awkward between him and Dream. Well done, George, you've outdone yourself this time He thought bitterly. For a second he thought he heard feet coming his way and even though most of him lifted his guard even higher a small part of him wanted Dream to barge in and comfort him, however after straining his ears a little bit George heard nothing and relaxed.

10 minutes and a lot of thinking later, George decided to stop pitying himself. After a thorough recalling of all his memories with Dream he realised that the blond was always the one to start a conversation or invite him on calls and outings. Every time George had been so scared he either panicked for most of the experience or ran away halfway through and that, he realised, was exactly what he was doing now. Instead of taking a chance and bravely facing the outcome, he'd just run back to his private hide-away hoping that Dream had run after him so that Dream could restart the conversation.

George got up mentally gathering the courage to sling his bag over his shoulder and march straight out of the shed only to collide with a human. A tall, strong, blond-locked, green-eyed human standing directly outside the shed.


Dream slid his hand up his neck, sheepishly, "Hey", he said with a soft, slightly concerned, smile. "I wanted to check on you but I also didn't wanna bother you, I know I probably shouldn't have followed you but you seemed hurt and I wanted to tell you not to be sorry and..."

George's heart inflated and his cheeks grew rosy with delight. Dream was nervously rambling and the fact that Dream was even nervous made George want to beam right back at the sun.

"Dream" George interrupted


"I-I like you...a lot actually, I've liked you since last year I just never had the courage to tell you and I know now's probably not the best time but I'm saying it anyway because if I don't it's probably going to kill me and I'm sorry I ran away, I'm sorry I keep running away  I-oh"

Dream had wrapped George in the biggest warmest hug of the brunet's life (asides from his Grandfather's hugs obviously). He then pulled away and stared straight into George's eyes, crinkling with joy.

Deep breaths

"George I...I like you too"


AAAAAAAAAA GUYS MERRY CHRISTMAS Heres a special chapter just for you and of course christmassss.

 only 1 chapter to goooooooo or maybe two who knows I originally wanted to make it maybe like 5 chapters longer but December is almost over and I am speeding this big boy. 1000-2000s words per chapter is not as easy as I anticipated. GOOD NEWS: I have finished planning the new book and will start writing it sometime during my short break it is a doozy and I hope you like it I'll release the cover as soon as I'm back from break!!!!!


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