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Both Povs?: (no ones particular pov)

It's been two days and George still couldn't believe his luck, Dream had admitted that he only sat with him because he couldn't find anyone else but then quickly added that he enjoyed the other boy's company when he saw the downcast look on George's face.

George thought it was cute

In fact, he thought everything about the boy was cute, the way his eyes twinkled whenever he'd laugh or when he kept apologizing for a whole hour after accidentally making George trip even though George told him it was alright, he even loved the dumb gestures he would use when talking. 

The only thing stopping him from running right out the door to squeal to his moms was the fact that he needed to pass psychology and this project would be his ticket to do just that. There was one thing though about Dream that made him want to scream in frustration.

He zones out


George would have to gently smack his shoulder or snap his fingers to get Dream's attention and the most Dream's ever been focused on something was 10 minutes. George didn't mind doing the project alone but he knew that Ms. Minx would catch on and fail his partner and he obviously didn't want that to happen, so every couple of minutes he would ask Dream to write something or google the definition of another thing. He was scared he might be annoying the blond but all Dream did was nod and continue on with his work.

Today was no different, George was finishing off a bullet point in his notes while Dream was humming lightly while staring at a bird that had just landed on the windowsill.

"Hey, George?" Dream asked, George, hummed in response.

Dream seemed to be struggling internally like he wanted to say something but just didn't know how to say it. Finally, he huffed and looked up at the other boy who was busy copying something off of his phone.

"Sorry, I'm making you do all the work, here let me help" He muttered, with that he shifted over beside George and read over the notes that they- no George- had written down, seeing that he'd already covered the definition and laws of attraction Dream decided to work on the signs of attraction (oohhhhhh...I'm so sorry why am I like this😭)

George looked up in surprise, it was like a switch had turned on inside his partner, Dream was currently searching up something and had already written 3 bullet points (pOp oFf kInG sO sMaRt). The blond turned around, feeling someone's gaze on him, George quickly looked back down at his work feeling heat rise into his ears. Dream chuckled and went back to work. George cautiously looked back up again, his eyes landing on Dream's lashes.

They were short and golden and seemed to sparkle every time a ray of light hit them, George moved his eyes downwards past his eyes and onto his freckle-covered cheeks, George hated his freckles,  they just didn't look right on him, on Dream, however, they were beautiful, they were dark enough to be noticeable but light enough to not contrast starkly with his skin. They were perfect, just like he was.

He caught himself before he became too absorbed in analyzing every inch of his partner's face and decided to distract himself by listening to music, it would help with the silence as well.

He scrolled through Spotify before picking a random playlist and almost shut off his laptop when he heard the first song

Did I drive you away?

Dream looked up in surprise but smiled and hummed along, George visibly relaxed.

I know what you'll say

You say "oh, sing one we know"

George leaned to the side his shoulder bumping Dreams

But I promise you this

I'll always look out for you

Yeah, that's what I'll do

Both boys had smiles on their faces some bigger than others, George sighed in content staring at the window past the pile of books they had gathered.

I say "Oh"

I say "Oh

The sun was bright, light hit his eyes, he didn't mind though 

My heart is yours

It's you that I hold on to

Yeah, that's what I do

All he could think about was how close he was to the boy he'd been pining over for the past year

And I know I was wrong

But I won't let you down

Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yes I will, I will

Dream had stopped writing, his eyes were closed and his breaths were the only sounds George could hear.

I said "Oh"

I cry "Oh"

George straightened, he could hear faint footsteps

Yeah, I saw sparks

Yeah, I saw sparks

And I saw spar-


and that's it, I love this chapter I feel like it's so...pretty, I also love this song you should listen to it it's absolutely glorious, anyway, thank you for reading, don't forget to eat and drink water here's some noodles 🍜 sleep well my loves - Mars

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