Songs and Cleaning Equipment

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 After Sapnap had left  George had wanted to take a quick nap but the rays of light streaming through his thin curtains made it too difficult to fall asleep and he'd ended up laying aimlessly on his bed for an hour and a half before realizing that sleep would never come, so he'd gone downstairs and eaten the leftover pizza his, now asleep, parents had had the day before. After scrolling through Twitter and Instagram to catch up with anything he'd missed for 30 minutes the familiar feeling of boredom overcame him and he debated whether or not he should call his friends and play Valorant for a while.

Five minutes later the boredom had become too much and he found himself opening discord, directing himself to his friend's (and his) server, moving his cursor past the words 'BIGGEST MEN🤞🥰' on the left side of the screen and clicking on the voice call button, making sure his bedroom door was closed before starting the call so as not to wake his moms any earlier than they needed to wake up.

2 minutes had passed and no one had joined, he had three more minutes before discord kicked him out of his own empty call. Another minute and still no one was online. It only occurred to George that he should've notified the group that he was starting a call in the last 30 seconds.

"Oh fuck" he muttered quickly typing out a typo-filled message and sending it. A second later, the grey dot beside Sapnap's username turned green. Dream's dot went green right after.

Your grandmas vacuum: gorg i cant join srry :(( karl has a weird amount of determination and i had to sneak into the bathroom to use my phone.

Your grandpas hoover: cant you tell him u have explosive diarrhea and sneak ur pc in from the pipeline system🤨

Your grandmas vacuum: no <33

Broom: gog get ready i am coming over

George nearly fell over

Broom: lmao no im not ill start another call tho ;)

George fell over

Broom: OH FUCK WAIT NO :)****


Dream started another call and George joined immediately.

"OK what do you wanna do?" Dream said, following it with a rather loud cough. George winced, he was wearing headphones.

"Anything really, I dont mind-",he started before being interrupted by another excruciatingly loud cough, "you alright?" Dream's mike sounded like it was moving in response, George immediately realized that Dream was probably nodding out of instinct and his microphone was moving with him.

"Yeah, I'm fine, something's tickling my nose though, it's really annoying" Dream said sounding like he was on the verge of another ground-moving cough and of course right after he'd finished his sentence, the ear-destroying noise had taken over the microphone once again.


"I'm getting you a rapid test" George said before being interrupted again, however this time it wasn't Dream's destructive coughing it was Dream himself.

"My dad already got me one, I'm fine dont worry" He replied sounding not fine. George's eyebrows scrunched together.

"You sure?" He said sounding very unconvinced. Dream laughed and George flushed.

"Yes, mom, I'm sure"


There was a pause in which both boys smiled before George started talking again.

"Oh yeah I forgot to ask, do you know any songs I haven't listened to yet? I'm so bored of my playlist and im too lazy to look for any others"

"George your playlist is like 500 songs how are you bored?"

"I've been listening to it since November, last year"

"Oh, well in that case, yes I do"

George heard some clicking from Dream before he realized that Dream had sent a link.

He clicked on it expecting to be krissed. It was Dream's Spotify. George wanted to scream.

Dream had 8 public playlists, they weren't for different moods or vibes, if anything, they were probably all the same mood just different songs. Knowing Dream, he'd probably gotten bored of one and made another and then gotten bored of that and made yet another one.

"OK so check the 'Bob the Builder' one. I think that one is the longest one I have-", Dream started befire cutting himself off,"OH WAIT NO I have some personal suggestions because most of the songs I listen to are for ironic purpose only"

They'd started by listening to 'Out of My League' which Dream had loudly sung along to while George tried to actually hear the song. In the end he decided that he liked the music and therefore it was going in his playlist.

'Turbulent' was next. Dream chided George for not having it in his playlist and then chided him even more for not following the artist. George liked it a lot and promised to listen to 'Waterparks' more which made Dream smile.

Song number three was 'Vanilla' by 'Sunset Rollercoaster' which George immediately added as soon as the first verse had ended. Dream had gone on a rant about how underappreciated the song was which George had to interrupt by announcing that he needed the "loo"

Of course, Dream made fun of "loo" which lead to a cackling Dream and an extremely red George.

They managed to listen to one more song before George had to go down for breakfast with his family. George liked 'Moby dick' but he didn't like it as much as 'Vanilla' which Dream giggled at.

George's mom Vera knocked on the door interrupting the boys' conversation before opening the door a crack not waiting for an answer.

"Mumm, what if I was naked?" George groaned. Vera grinned, opening the door fully.

"I'm your mum, Georgie, I've already seen everything besides I doubt you'd be sitting naked while you're on a call" She said gesturing to the screen.

"Hey Mrs. Davidson, I'm Drea-*COUGH*" as if on cue, the loud-ass cough cut off Dream's introduction filling the room with the dreadful noise. George rolled his eyes fondly.

"That's Dream, he's a friend from school" George filled in for the recovering boy. His mom grinned like the Cheshire Cat and raised her eyebrows.


George was about to start protesting when Dream's voice cut him off.

"Pfft, god I wish"

George turned as red as the do not disturb dot beside Karl's username. Dream also went silent realizing what he had just said infront of not only George but George's mom as well.

Vera started to laugh. "You're boyfriend's funny, come on George breakfasts ready"

George felt dizzy as he said a flustered goodbye to Dream and left the call to join his mom. Only when he was halfway down the stairs did he remember that him and Dream were supposed to be awkward.

Oh well the problem fixed itself.

A.N: it is 6am I've been typing for 4 hours :,) anyways I hope this is good enough I am running on 2 hours of sleep and a croissant. I will go sleep now love you <3

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