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Dream's Pov:

As soon as he entered the cafeteria, Dream's eyes swept over the whole room, trying to spot the British, brown-haired boy from class, it was quite hard, however, as many people shared some of his characteristics. In fact, most of the male students in that room were brunets.

"Are you gonna get your food or not?" Sapnap asked, he was balancing two trays of food, one for him and the other for his curly-haired, taller (sorry snapmap) partner. Dream merely nodded before following him to their table which was situated near the big double doors that led into the cafeteria.

His eyes were still scanning the area, he was so intent on finding his partner that he almost barrelled into a boy with almost no visible hair who was busy talking to a short pink-haired girl. The dream quickly muttered an apology and shuffled away before an argument could break out.

Just then, he spotted him, George was seated at a table with three other people, he recognized two of them from his psychology class they were probably his friends, the other one with the glasses, however, he didn't know, what he did know is that they were probably really close friends as George seemed really engaged in their conversations and was smiling broadly every time Glasses said something.

He decided then and there to invite him over just to, you know, get to know each other after all the project was on a very sensitive subject and to complete it successfully they needed to at least become friends, right? Right. So he ditched Sapnap and ran over to George's table, panting when he finally reached them.

None of them seemed to notice him coming up to their table and continued their conversations, he heard snippets of their arguments, random words that, without context, didn't make much sense. He started feeling a bit worried, what if he doesn't want to be friends, what if he thinks I'm stalking him, what if- 

He quickly evicted those thoughts from his mind before they became too problematic and decided to introduce himself.

"You weren't what?", He asked confidently, the brunet jumped and looked up in shock, "Hey" Dream continued, "I was wondering if you would like to join me, your friends can come too"

when he finished, Dream waited for George to say something or at least nod or shake his head but he did nothing, he just stared up at the green-eyed boy in wonder and slight confusion, the shock seemed to have worn off and was replaced with apprehension. Dream started getting uncomfortable and was about to leave when he heard someone shuffling to get out of their seat.

"Welp, I'm definitely going, OI LOVEBIRDS we've just gotten a VIP ticket to sit with blondie and his friends so I wanna see less making out and more moving out alright?" Glasses announced before waiting for Dream to lead the way. The couple turned red and picked up their bags before jumping out of their seats and following Wilbur who was busy trying to win a flip-off challenge between him and a blond, rowdy boy sitting right across from them. Dream looked back down at George who seemed to have realized what was happening and had started getting up, however, just as he was getting off his seat he tripped and fell with a quiet 'oof'.

"Oh my god, please tell me I didn't just trip on air and fall right in front of the new guy," George said groaning, hiding his face in his hands but Dream thought he could spot a soft blush peeking out through his fingers. Before Dream could rush over to help him, one of the 'lovebirds' as Glasses called them had already ran over and was pulling him up.

Glasses snorted and then turned around to Dream " So are we leaving or not?" 

Dream nodded firmly and led them towards his table, occasionally turning around to make sure they were still following him, George shuffled near the back of the group, the black-haired boy beside him was patting his back and seemed to be holding back a laugh.

Once they reached the table Sapnap had already finished his meal and was working his way through Karl's, the brown-haired boy seated beside him was arguing with a short boy wearing a beanie while a pink-haired kid wearing a graffitied burger king crown was seated at the end of the table and was scaring the younger kids with cardboard props from his history presentation.

"Hey, when did you guys get here?" Dream asked, gesturing to his seated friends. Sapnap looked up and smiled.

"Five minutes after you ditched me, you ass" With that he flung some cold spaghetti at his blonde friend, Dream deftly avoided it before sitting down and introducing everyone.

"This is...what's your name?" He started pointing at Glasses, Sapnap barked out a laugh and shook his head.

"I'm Wilbur", he paused and gestured towards Techno's DIY sword, "I bet you can't even kill a fly with that thing" Techno gasped and swung it at him, Wilbur ducked and pulled it out the pink-haired boy's grasp before smacking him with it. 

"Okayyy anyway uh this is...uh...who are you?" Dream continued before pausing again rubbing his neck in confusion. Techno snorted, Wilbur hit him with the, now bent, sword.

"I'm Bad and that's my boyfriend Skeppy, you can just call him Skep" Bad said, his boyfriend let go of his hand to go join the others on the table. Bad followed him and started a conversation with Karl while leaning next to Skeppy who was aggressively playing 'rock, paper, siscors' with Quackity.

"And this is George" the green-eyed boy concluded, George waved and clutched his bag tighter, if that was even possible, Sapnap grinned up at him before getting up to throw his empty pudding cup in the trash.

The brown-haired boy  tentatively  sat down across from his partner and stared awkwardly at the table his face getting gradually redder through every passing second

"So when do you think we should get started on our project?" Dream asked confidently, George looked up to see Dream staring at him intently.(i bet gogy is scared💃)

"I don't know... tomorrow maybe? We can plan it out during lunch? If you don't mind of course" The british boy replied, Dream soaked up every word, marvelling in his pretty accent and the soft tone in which he speaks.

"Of course! I don't mind at all I actually wanted to invi-" DDDRRRIIIIINNGGGGG

The bell ran for the end of class and Dream internally cursed the school bell for ruining his moment. Everyone started getting up and leaving for class, Bad got up and everyone followed suit picking up their bags and throwing their trash (NO LITTER😗✌) Once they had all gotten ready to head to class the cafeteria had already emptied out and the only people who were left were them and a group of kids near the back who were on their phones, texting furiously.

Oh well he could always try another time

THAT IS IT this is by far the longest chapter it is 1188 words this took me like 4 days to finish cause i chose art for my GCSEs and its very very very time consuming uh and ive been speedrunning an english essay that ive been procrastinating on so im rlly sorry if this sounds abt rushed ik its crappy but im very busy ily dont forget to eat and drink water heres some sushi 🍣 sleep well my loves <3 - mars

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