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Dream's Pov:

"Uh hey, what's your name?" The buy turned and OH MY GOD was he cute. His big brown eyes were staring right into Dream's plain green ones, they reminded him of slipping in the mud after it rains, laughing loudly, and reading books in the library in the middle of autumn surrounded by shades of orange and yellow and pretty, pretty brown.

"Um I'm uh George" the brunet muttered, he dropped his head, hiding those gorgeous chocolatey eyes, Dream looked down as well and noticed that one of George's hands was covered in strange marks.

"I'm Dream, I guess we're partners now" Dream could see a smile slowly make its way over the other bo- George's face. He seemed content with him being his partner and that encouraged him to keep talking. "What are those," Dream asked, pointing at his hand.

"It's nothing, my friend is creative in all the wrong ways" He replied, the blond chuckled. He was about to ask another question when the bell rang signaling for the end of class. 

"See you on Wednesday," Dream said, George, smiled and waved. The taller boy then went back to his seat, picked up his bag, and made his way towards the door of the classroom. Outside Sapnap was waiting for him, impatiently tapping his fingers on the hard wall. Karl was right beside him, filling his purple water bottle from one of the dispensers placed right beside a trash can.

"Done hitting on British boy?" Sapnap asked, Dream smacked him playfully.

"I was not, besides he's really nice, I think we should invite him and his friends to sit with us at lunch" He replied, Sapnap, who was busy inspecting his nails, hummed.

"SAP" The green-eyed boy shouted, his friend leaped in shock.

"Don't yell at me you hooch, sure invite them, you were probably going to even if I said 'no'" He replied, Dream was ecstatic, he ran back in class, but found no one except Ms. Minx who had just opened her box of salad.

"Need anything?" She asked warily, Dream shook his head and ran back out a little dismayed at the fact that he lost the brown-eyed boy, when he turned around to tell Sapnap, he found him turning the corner and speaking with Karl about something, probably what color of nail varnish suits Karl best.

He sighed and ran to catch up with them

George's Pov:

He was happy, the happiest he'd been this week, so happy he risked making a fool of himself in front of the green-eyed boy. So he opted for the safer option and lowered his head looking at both their shoes, tracing the seems and lines with his eyes, not wanting to give the game away by looking straight at the other boy.

Whenever Dream would ask him something he would either reply with monosyllables or hum, when he did speak in sentences they were usually short and straight to the point, he was afraid that Dream might think he was mean or cold because of it but he was also afraid that if he talked too much the blonde boy might get annoyed and leave so he was as plain as humanely possible.

When the bell rang and dream left, He packed up and was about to leave when Ms.Minx held him back. 

"George are you alright? You used to be so active during my lessons and now you're barely passing any of my tests, you do know you can come to me if somethings bothering you right?" She said, speaking gently, she patted his shoulder before going back to her desk. 

He nodded vigorously and ran out to catch Wilbur, skeppy and bad in their little corner in the cafeteria.

When he did manage to find them, Skeppy and bad were deep in conversation about something while Wilbur was busy updating his Spotify playlist for the 20th time that day. Bad noticed George hovering beside their table and waved him over, alerting Wilbur and Skeppy as he did so.

"Hey how was psychology," Wilbur asked still scrolling thru a list of recommended songs.

"It was great, how was musi- never mind I won't understand half of what you're saying anyway" George replied with a playful smirk, Wilbur flipped him off proudly before going back to his phone.

George heard the couple sitting in front of him start bickering again, he heard snippets of conversation from the tables around him, most people were talking about their classes a boy sitting on a table across from him was pointing at his arms, "flexing" them and calling himself a big man while another boy wearing a mask and glasses tried to persuade him to get off the table.

George chuckled, he stopped laughing however when he realized just how many couples there were in the school, everywhere his eyes roamed there seemed to be a pair of kids making out or holding hands. 

"Sucks doesn't it" Wilbur said, startling the brunet.

"What?" George asked confused

"To have no one to talk to you know in an affectionate way" Wilbur replied saying the word 'affection' with distaste as if it had offended him in some way. "But we've got each other, don't you dare get in a relationship George then I'd have to 3rd wheel my way out of school" Wilbur grimaced and George chuckled.

"I won't. How can I anyway, everyone's already gotten a partner no one's free" George replied.

"You seemed quite interested in staring at someone's arse today though" The other boy joked

George almost choked on his croissant, "I was not" He spluttered

"You weren't what?" 

ooh cliffhanger hehe That was the second chapter I wrote this one much quicker than the first one so I'm sorry if it sounds a bit rushed I'm currently in school and its picture day😀🔪 anyway don't forget to drink water and eat something here's a donut🍩 sleep well my loves -mars

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