What Happened?

49 4 16

Something happened.

Dream is sitting beside George. They've been working on the project for the past 30  minutes and George is yet to make eye contact with anyone but the teacher. Dream's worried he might've done something wrong, they were fine a couple of days ago why was George suddenly so distant.

"Hey, George?"  Dream whispered tapping the boy on the shoulder. George had his head down on the desk and didn't turn to face the blonde. He hummed in response, his body had tensed and he suddenly felt very uncomfortable. George could sense that Dream wasn't going to ask about the project and it made him feel...weird.

"You okay?" Dream asked placing his head on the desk beside George. All he could see was the back of George's head, his soft hair falling into dark, neat clusters. Is it bad that he kind of wanted to touch it?

Wait no

George isn't feeling okay and instead of comforting him I'm thinking about his hair, Dream thought disappointed in himself, I'm a terrible friend. He felt horrible for being so insensitive, so selfish. Dream knew he would be going over this at least a hundred times when he goes home, replaying the memory in his mind until it sticks. A permanent reminder not to be so self-centred. Even though he really wasn't the author thinks he's in denial, in reality, he probably has a massive crush on his partner but that's just between us. Shush.

"Honestly?" George paused waiting for a sign to continue, Dream nodded but, upon realizing George wasn't looking at him, decided to hum in encouragement, "I'm so...conflicted, I feel terrible. There's this thing that I can't get out of my head and it's frustrating even though I've been thinking about it for an impossibly long time it's just so much more prominent and I'm so tired of it, I want it to go away and it won't. And Sa- a couple of friends keep telling me to just confront it but it's not that easy and-" The British boy's tone had been increasing in confidence before he stopped himself altogether and finally, finally peered sideways at the green-eyed boy next to him.

Dream held his breath. He waited for George to look away, and question why he was telling any of this to a psychology partner, a classmate but there was only 


and then

"I'm sorry, I- I didn't mean to ramble" George added nervously, he was probably wondering why Dream was suddenly so quiet. George was just about turn away before the blonde quickly blurted out, "No it's alright I- I get it" Dream faltered. Both boys were apprehensive, it was like sticking your hand inside a timid animal's cage before petting it. You had to let it sniff you first, little by little, fingers first then knuckles then palm and then once it's comfortable it'll allow you to approach it. Both the animal and the human being tense at first before relaxing and welcoming each other.

"You get it?" George asked, he was intrigued but didn't want to appear nosy so he waited without pushing Dream anymore than that. The blonde caught on quickly and nodded. "Got any tips?" George continued with a nervous chuckle, Dream noticed that George had relaxed some of the tension in his shoulders, he looked more comfortable and that made the blonde glad.

One problem though was that Dream was shit at giving advice. He had absolutely no idea how he managed to get rid of most of his problems. Obviously, they didn't just go away there must have been something that made them leave he just didn't know what and now the one person who he actually wants to help besides any of his close friends or family asked for help and he has absolutely no idea what to say.

"Uh...um" He started, George looked at him with an unreadable expression, Dream looked back trying to form a proper sentence or even a phrase to share with the, probably, hopeful brunet before being interrupted by George himself.

"It's alright if you don't want to" George whispered and was about to look away once again when Dream's hand shot out and before the blond could think his actions through, he placed it on George's shoulder. Dream stopped breathing what was going on with him? George's eyes widened slightly. Time dilated, slowing down just like his breathing. This was his dream and his nightmare all at the same time and he didn't know how to feel about it.

"No, I really want to it's just I'm horrible at giving advice" Dream's voice cut through the air smoothly, "I'm also overthinking it" He added quietly with a humourless laugh

George nodded, not fully convinced.

What happened
Why are they both so awkward?


alright heres my excuse: I was very sick and j was procrastinating :]

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