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Applause rang out through the classroom.

Everybody had gone up to present and now it was their turn. Dream took a deep breath, clutching his laptop tightly with one hand and squeezing his partner's hand with the other.

"We can do this" George whispered next to him, it was probably meant as a positive affirmation but all it did was squeeze the knot in Dream's stomach a little tighter. Once the other kid had unplugged his laptop from the projector cable and taken his place back at the back of the class George and Dream shuffled forward, stiffly plugging in the laptop and starting their presentation.

George decided that this time he would lead.


His confidence attracted the attention of the class and now all eyes were on him and his partner. Dream squirmed under the pressure, his hands were damp and playing restlessly with the hem of his uniform. Scrunch, release, gather. Scrunch, release, gather.

"Attraction is why some people have "types". Attraction is why some guys like guys and some girls like girls. It is classified as the study of why we're attracted to some people over others." George continued, his part would end soon but Dream didn't look ready to face the class. Suddenly an impulsive, stupid, idiotic idea came to him.

He grabbed Dream's hand.

Every single jaw in that class dropped. A whispered "YES" came from Sapnap's side of the room. Dream looked at George in shock but made no attempt to pull his hand back much to the shock of his classmates.

"As you can see attraction is random yet unavoidable, single-handedly forming connections in people better than anything else could. The bonds it creates can be strong or just a passing hallway crush. This irregularity makes it very hard to record and study. However to make things easier researchers have created categories for the most common or main types of attraction"

The brunet side-eyed his boyfriend until he got the hint and started speaking, slowly at first but gaining speed and confidence as he went.

"The first, uh, type is s-sexual attraction" Dream started, eliciting a few sniggers here and there, George squeezed his hand and Dream pushed on, "This is when an individual is physically desirable, eliciting feelings of lust ad arousal. It can be accompanied by romantic attraction however, it doesn't have to."

The presentation on the board changed slides as George clicked on the remote. A list of bullet points showed up. he squeezed Dream's hand urging him to look up.

"However, attraction doesn't always have to be romantic or sexual it can just be an admiration of one's intellectual abilities or the clothes they wear, even the way someone speaks can make sparks burst between two people"

They continued their presentation smoothly, Dream was now strutting around the front of the class like an actor on a stage. They held hands throughout the whole thing and Geoorge's heart was soaring higher than the cumulonimbus clouds gathering outside their class.

"To conclude love is unpredictable, although efforts have been made to study it we believe it's better that we just accept it rather than question it"



Sapnap had waited impatiently until the end of the class and was now stomping his way to the couple in front of him all of that, however, was cancelled out by the giant grin on his face.


"I thought you already knew Sap, I mean we didn't even try to hide it" Dream retorted. George nodded his head viciously beside him.

"you know DAMN WELL how stupid I am" Sapnap exclaimed, waving his hands around like an aircraft marshal. All the while Karl stood beside him with a knowing smile on his face and a hand on his crush's shoulder.

"Come on guys one more class and then we're free," Karl said, softly directing his friends out of the hallway.


This is it. The end of almost a whole year of work. I admit I am not the most organized and there have been times when I contemplated putting this story off until I finished my studies or at least my GCSEs but I am so glad I didn't. This was a ride and I'm glad I stuck it through to the end. I know I'll miss it and I'll probably reread it over and over and over again but in a way, I'm also glad it's over. It is completed from beginning to end and for some reason, I'm getting emotional over a stupid Wattpad fanfic written in either the middle of the night or on long car rides. Thank you.

Thank you for reading or commenting or even clicking on this book and taking a glimpse at the last chapter because it's too long and you're impatient (I do it too dw)

Thank you so so much


p.s I have a new dnf fanfic if you want more of my writing :)

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