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No one's Pov: 


Quackity was standing next to a bookshelf, he panted and leaned onto the shelf causing three books to tumble down onto the floor. Dream opened his eyes and leaned backwards.

"Did you run all the way here?" He asked, lifting an eyebrow, George tried to stifle his giggles and placed a hand over his mouth when he failed to control them.

"Yes, dumbass, god I need to start going to that gym Karl works out at" He doubled over, still panting hard.

"Nah, you wouldn't be able to reach the handles on the treadmill", Dream smirked,  it grew wider when George burst into a fit of giggles, no longer trying to control them. Quackity mocked his smirk before running over and pushing Dream's teetering chair backwards. The blonde boy fell to the floor a look of shock present on his face. George's face was red with joy, he hadn't laughed like that in a long time.

The librarian had kicked them out of the library, threatening to send them to the principal if they didn't quiet down. Quackity was still smiling victoriously while Dream was holding his side in pain, wincing at the bruise that had started flourishing there after the side of the chair dug into it. George was conflicted between helping the boy or laughing along with Quackity, unfortunately, they had reached their destination before he could decide.

"Why are we in the music room?" George asked plainly, his brows furrowing in confusion, Dream was sporting a similar look and Quackity had ran over to join Sapnap and Karl(😌)on the circular couch that took most of the space in the room. George moved over and plopped down next to Wilbur and Dream chose to keep standing as he wasn't sure whether or not he'd be able to sit down.

"Wilbur asked his teacher if we could use it any way I was thinking-" Sapnap started

"You can do that?" Dream interrupted, gasping obnoxiously, George choked and Wilbur patted him on the back.

"Yes you dumb piece of shit, anyway, I was thinking why don't we all get together for a study group? It's so boring studying alone and besides Ms Minx said-"

"Who cares what Ms Minx said?"



Sapnap shook in frustration, Karl beside him was patting his back smiling fondly. Dream on the other hand was leaning on the door feeling quite pleased with himself and was about to head out before he heard Georges voice calling him back.

"You can't leave now at least hear him out, Dream"

Sensing the opportunity to create more chaos, he smiled.

"For you, I will," He said confidently, Quackity fell back laughing loudly, George choked again and Wilbur patted his back harder this time, Sapnap grinned widely and Karl inspected his nails calmly.

Just then Skeppy and Bad came in, both boys sporting a look of utter confusion.

"What the fu-" Skeppy paused glancing at his boyfriend before continuing, "-dge happened?"

"Dream....George-he...i can't breathe, and yeah" Quackity said in between wheezes

"Sorry was I supposed to understand that?" Skeppy replied, eyebrows raised.

"Be nice, Skep" Bad elbowed him in the gut. Skeppy winced before taking his boyfriend's hand and maneuvering through the room to find a place to sit.

Sapnap took the time to explain to them  about the arrangements they, well he,  had made.

"That still doesn't explain why half of the room sounded like they were dying" Skeppy, once again, piped up.

"Dream" Quackity answered cheeks red.

"Oh" Bad said as if Quackity's answer solved everything.

Thirty minutes, a hidden box of oreos, and five topic changes later and they  were ready. By the time break had ended plans had been made and crushes grew.

One thing was written in all their textbooks and phone reminders

Friday, after school, Sapnap's House, BRING SNACKS.

ok so I wrote half of this on my laptop and the other half in my phone cause I travelled and I cant bring my beautiful glorious amazing laptop with me. Sorry i haven't updated this story IN A WHILE i xant promise that I wont take any more breaks but I do promise that I will complete this story if I dont u have permission to spam me and remind me. Dont forget to eat and drink heres a salad 🥗 sleep well i love you sm and im proud of u - Mars

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