Maybe Next Tme

47 3 31

George has had enough

He and Dream have been awkward for long enough and he hated it. Not to mention, his brain has been filling up its spare space with pictures of Dream anytime it could. Once George had stopped paying attention in class because of one memory of Dream he was particularly fond of, which was playing on a loop in his mind. Of course, Sapnap, ever the perceptive best friend, noticed almost straight away.

"Hey, George?"


"What's going on with you and Dream"

"I don't know, Sap, It's weird"

"You know what I'd do if something like that happened between me and someone else?"

"Apologise, grab their hand and run off into the sunset?"

"No, dumbass, it's something much greater"

"Share your advice, O wise one"

"Look north, fuck forth"

George hit him.

But now that he looks back on it. The advice does make some sense...but George isn't impulsive, he can't just make shit up and hope it fixes his problems. He needs to think things through, he needs a plan. He needs help and- No he's not going to take up people's time just to fix his own problems.

Dammit, it looks like he's going to be looking north and fucking forth after all.

(20 minutes later)

"I can't do it Sap"

George was holding his phone in a tight grip, Dream's contact was open, and the emojis following his name glowed brightly on the screen. "I just- I can't", George's voice shook slightly but his grip on the phone stayed the same. Sapnap shook his head.

"Come on George, You've been pining over this kid for how long? A year? Two years? A lifetime? You can do it Gogs I believe in you" The bandanaed boy exclaimed. George shook his head as well, the action ruffling his hair making it messier than it already was.

"This isn't a football match, or something I can get an A+ in Sap, if I tell him and he says no everything we've built will come crashing down on me, I can't do it, I can't tell him" George was beginning to regret everything. He shouldn't have taken Sapnap's advice, he shouldn't have even called him, he shouldn't have picked up his phone, he shouldn't have done anything. He should've just stayed in bed and replayed more memories. God, what was he thinking? He isn't brave enough to call someone let alone tell them he likes them.

"You can't just keep pining for him until high school ends and we leave for college, George. You know I was on Twitter last week and someone posted something that resonated with me-"

"Don't give me those speeches you sound like my great aunt Corolla"

"-  on a spiritual level," Sapnap pressed on, not caring that he was interrupted, "It's better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all" George was taken aback, not by the amazingness of the quote but because He expected something less...intense.

"Jesus Christ, Sap, I'm not getting married to him," George muttered. Sapnap rolled his eyes and sighed. 

"Yeah, no shit, at this rate you never will" George hit his best friend, hard on the shoulder.  Sapnap winced, George was surprisingly strong after years of volunteering at the local library, carrying heavy loads of encyclopedias and pushing around trolleys of novels made him grow the sort of muscles he dreamed to have when he was little. Of course, he wasn't bodybuilder material but he had the kind of muscles you'd see on the tall slender models doing catwalks up and down isles on the fashion channels on TV.

"He literally has no reason to reject you, dumbass, you're hot and smart, and awesome, and you would be blind not to see it," Sapnap added. George merely looked away,  he didn't know how to tell Sapnap that those words meant nothing when they came from him. He was obliged to say them because he was his best friend, if it came from some random classmate it would feel more...authentic. George knew this way of thinking made him sound like a dick but it was true and he couldn't lie to himself.  So he stayed silent.

Sapnap sighed and got off his friend's bed, pulling his jacket on as he went. George looked up, startled, "You're leaving?" He asked.

"Yeah, we still have the project remember? I have to meet Karl in like 15 minutes and his house is so far away."Sapnap replied swinging open the navy blue bedroom door, the fairy lights glued to it bumping into each other as they moved. 

"Oh, I'm sorry to keep you so late," George said, quietly. Sapnap hummed and was about to wave goodbye when George interrupted him, "Maybe next time". Sapnap nodded and left leaving George alone with the echoes of the three words uttered just seconds ago.

Maybe next time...


I'm back.

sorry, it's shorter than the normal 1k words but I'm trying to get into that writing mood that I'm generally in when writing this. I think I need to start prewriting chapters that I can release when I'm too busy to write something. ANYWAYS here is this chapter. I hope it makes sense :) 


Okie I'm done now

love you <3

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