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"We're here"

The car came to halt and the engine stopped its relentless purring. Sapnap pulled the keys out and (MATERIAL GIRL IS PLAYING RN HELP ME)  pushed open his door. The simple move started a hurricane of "Where's my bag", "You're stepping on my foot" and bags beings smacked on the roof of the car and George's head. 

As soon as Karl and George had opened the doors beside them everyone had spilt out like jello onto the sidewalk. Wilbur handed George's bead-strung bag to him and George gladly swung it onto his shoulder. When he looked up he found a big pale house, as he walked up to the porch he noticed about 10 or so potted plants arranged so that the ones with long stems framed the doorway and the short plump ones were sat either by the chairs and tables or to cover the corners of the porch.

As soon as everyone was crowded around the door Sapnap knelt down to retrieve the house key from under the doormat. Everyone stood around awkwardly waiting for him to open the door and allow them inside and as soon as he did Dream ran through remembering to take off his shoes as he went. Quackity went in next then Wilbur then Karl and Techno and finally George.

The reason he went in last wasn't that he was shy...ok maybe he was a little shy but that wasn't the main reason why he hung back. In truth, he just wanted to be polite, even though everyone had welcomed him and his friends with open arms he was still a bit anxious, Why were they so fast in accepting me-us-my friends, why had they invited us to sit with them? why were they being so nice for absolutely no reason?

He would scan their faces every time they interacted with him or his friends and even though they showed no malice or signs of anger he still didn't one hundred per cent trust them, he didn't know why it was just built in him. He couldn't remember the last time he had trusted someone so easily, that is before Dream came, there was something about the blond that made him so easy to trust. George hadn't noticed he was staring until Dream cleared his throat, his cheeks red as he looked at the brunet.

" Is there something on my face?" Dream asked, George, looked away in embarrassment.

"No, sorry, I zoned out" George answered, he knew his ears were as hot as stop signs right now but he had no way of covering them so he decided to divert the attention off of himself "Did I miss anything?"

"Not really, Sapnap's mom, Chloe,  made cookies they're really good...I may or may not have gotten you one" Dream said smiling and unveiling a soft-looking chocolate-chip cookie wrapped in a green leaf-shaped tissue.

"She really likes plants" George replied, plucking the cookie from Dream's hand causing a small piece to break off and land in the blond's palm. Dream nodded and cupped his hands heading over to the trash can beside the marble sink to throw away the crumbs.

As George looked around he found strings of vines, fake and real alike, adorning the walls rustling every now and then. He had to admit, Sapnap's mom's obsession was admirable. She had been watering the potted plants when they had arrived and had immediately dropped the plastic can next to four other watering cans to greet them.

She had greeted each guest with a happy smile and a cookie from the platter she'd grabbed from the kitchen bar before walking up to them. Chloe seemed really nice and had left them be after everyone had been given a cookie.

"Ok guys, uh if you have a project together just work as a team I guess, if you have homework just go to that cupboard over there, there's a bunch of homework guides and exam question booklets in there that mom made me collect," Sapnap said, pointing to a small grey cupboard that held a small cactus and a box of tissues.

Everyone nodded and split up, Karl and Sapnap took over the kitchen bar covering the whole area with notebooks and stationery. Wilbur had ventured towards the couch with his laptop in one hand and his headphones in the other, Quackity sat beside him with a thick math textbook and his phone that when asked why it was being used during a study session simply replied with "it's my calculator dumbass". Techno plopped down on the carpet in the living room, his scratch-covered laptop was placed on his crossed legs and a sea of post-it notes surrounded him.

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