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It took me forever to find a song that fits oml

Dream Pov :)

It was clear that George had something to tell him he just never said it. Every time he opened his mouth to tell Dream, he'd get interrupted by either his parents, his tasks, or some other infuriating thing. It was like the world had stopped focusing on everybody else and was determined to stop the brunet from talking. Eventually, the evening had ended and everybody was waving their goodbyes from the porch, Dream had made sure to make George promise him that he'd tell him tomorrow after the weekend ended. George had nodded tiredly and hugged Dream goodbye before turning back to his moms.

In the car, Dream had slept soundly with his feet scrunched up in the backseat, he couldn't remember how he had gotten to bed, just not being able to keep his eyes open anymore and almost tripping on his front doorstep. 

When he woke up the next day, Dream quickly got ready, bumping into several items of furniture as he did, and rushed downstairs for breakfast. His parents were in the kitchen talking animatedly about some presidential election when he met them.

"Hey, honey, how'd you sleep?" His mom asked turning to get him his store-bought fruit salad. His dad clapped him on his back before heading for the door, leaving his coffee mug in the sink as he went. Dream nodded with a small smile. He then quickly stuffed his salad into his bag before making for the door "How's that project going?" she went on despite the fact that Dream was very obviously trying to leave.

"Pretty good, bye mom," Dream replied before she could ask anything else, "Thanks for the salad," He said already halfway through the door. When he bounded down his driveway, he found his dad already sitting in the car. His phone was held in such a way that the speaker was tilted towards his mouth. Even though Dream couldn't hear the sound inside the car, he knew immediately that his father was arguing with his partner on their business project. His dad had been talking about it for weeks, however, it was clear from the way he ground his jaw in annoyance and his rod-like rigid posture that he despised his partner. As soon as Dream opened the black car door his ears were blasted with the high decibels his business partner was producing.

Before he could even open his mouth to complain his dad held out a finger to shush him.

"Look, Clarence, Mark and I have already decided that we're moving on with our plan, we already asked you for your opinion and you said it was a good idea, it's not fair that a day before we put our plan into action you start criticising it if you have any more problems with us and this project you can talk to Laurel but she won't be as patient as I have been for the past week" His dad replied in a single breath before his obviously stunned partner could retort, Dream's dad had promptly hung up. He looked down at his son with a  cocked eyebrow, "And that's how it's done."

Dream aspired to be like his dad


The bell rang just as Dream reached the school's front gate, he rushed through, slamming into walls as he went. If he got another tardy, he'd get detention and he did not have time for that. Dream pummelled towards his English class as fast as humanely possible, almost slipping three times, once he reached his class, he pushed the door forcefully open making it bang on the wall. Every head turned his way, including George's, and he turned red, he meekly entered the classroom avoiding everyone's stares and took his place near the back of the class next to Bad.

"Hey, what'd I miss?" he whispered after everybody had settled back down and his teacher had marked him present. Bad pushed his notebook for Dream to take and Dream smiled gratefully. Even though Bad hated people copying off his notes, he let them do it from time to time. 

"When you look around the classroom right now, you'll see that lots of students aren't present in class and that is because they have gone to compete in a tournament called the World Scholar's Cup. Right now they're at Yale competing against other students from schools all around the world and if they win it will look gorgeous on their college applications," The teacher started, he'd been talking about this competition for a week now and everybody was sick of it, they were busy enough as it was why did they have to add more work to their schedules, "Sign up for this year's tournament is up and I'm looking forward to seeing some of your faces in my team"

"Poor Techno" Dream muttered, Techno had signed up for it last year in an effort to raise his concerning English marks and to make up for his lack of extracurriculars. A week later he'd begged almost the entire English department to let him leave and, when they refused, decided to do his best at being the worst candidate the tournament had ever seen, it backfired however as the judges liked his harsh debating style and pushed him all the way to finals. He is now in New York probably passed out in a hotel somewhere. Dream had a moment of silence to honour the brave warrior.

Two hours later, the bell rang signalling the end of AP English Literature. The students immediately rushed out, most of them having already packed up 5 minutes early, Dream, however, stayed back loitering near a certain brunets desk. George looked up from his laptop and found Dream's big green eyes staring straight at him from behind his locks of fallen blonde hair.

"You need a haircut," George said, smirking confidently before closing his laptop shut and beginning to pack away his things. Dream raised his hand to his heart in mock surprise.

"My poor heart, I am dying, passing away, deceasing-"

"-that's not a word"

"Help me, George, help me I'm deceasing"

"Why don't you help me pack my shit otherwise we'll both be dead in Ms Minx's office"

"Right, my bad"

Once they had both managed to stuff most of George's papers into his bag, they'd run as fast as they could to their psychology class, arriving breathless and collapsing into their seats only to find that they were the first ones there. Ms Minx looked up, surprised to see the two kids 4 minutes early for their lesson.

"Hey, guys, how's that project coming along?" She asked dropping her salad fork into the bowl and giving them her full attention. Dream breathed a sigh of relief thanking the world that his teacher was in a calm mood.

"It's going good, miss, we're almost done, we might even be able to present it this week," George said excitedly, Dream realized that George's accent got heavier the more excited he was and turned red at this discovery.

"You okay, Dream? You do know you don't have to present it this week right?" Ms Minx asked her face softening a little, "It's ok if you want to postpone it  for a little while you won't believe how many of your friends came to ask me for an extension"

"Miss" George started speaking for the two, " we're both a little bit anxious, is it okay if we also work on our presentations in class?" His face rose in hope and then fell as his teacher replied.

"I'm sorry, George, but we have to get through Psychopathology or we'll be behind, you can always stay after school if you want my help, but other than that and emailing me I can't really be of much help"

It was only after he'd settled into his seat and watched the other students stream in did Dream remember that George had wanted to tell him something.


Ok so I can explain...

actually, I can't I literally remembered about this during my study break, I have been drowning in essays, assignments and studying for my mocks not to mention the ungodly amount of art hw they're dumping on me, i have eyebags now :(

anyways now that the excusing is over I hope you like this chapter please keep in mind that I learn through the British system which is wildly different from the American system in which this is set in so if I get anything wrong PLEASE TELL ME sixth form is so different from junior year and senior year I've been googling but it's so complicated so just correct me if I do anything wrong - mars

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