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George's Pov: 

George was panicking,  he was currently in the bathroom trying to sweep his messy brown hair to the side, out of his eyes. This was his first gathering with people other than his childhood best friends and it had to go perfect, even if he wasn't the one hosting it.

What if they leave without me, what if they don't like me anymore, did I bring snacks? He checked his bag for the hundredth time that day and let out a breath of relief when he found the crisps he got were still in their place, he sighed as he reordered them once again just to calm his nerves.

Suddenly, his phone began aggressively vibrating in his pocket. He took a deep breath before sliding it out and seeing an unknown number flashing white across the screen, sceptically he answered, sliding his index finger across the screen.

"Hey George, where are you?" A familiar voice spoke, George furrowed his brows.


"Yea it's me Wilbur gave me your number uh so where are you?" Dream answered, George, shook his head, amused. And to think I was going to win some kind of lottery thought the brunet.

"I'm in the bathroom in the English corridor, were you guys waiting for me?" George replied

"Of course we were, come on, we're at the main gate" Dream assured, George, nodded muttered a quick goodbye and ended the call. He shoved his phone back into his black sweatpants, picked up his blue bag, all of the little beads he'd hung on it rattled as the bag hit his back. He took one last look at his reflection in the stained mirrors before pulling open the metal handle and walking out, his stride now confident as he knew his friends were waiting right outside.

As he pushed open the poster-adorned glass door at the entrance of the school he saw his friends all huddled in a bright orange SUV with slightly tinted windows that were currently rolled halfway down allowing some of his friends' faces to peak out. He immediately recognized Wilbur who was sticking his arm out and motioning for George to hurry up.

George's strides grew wider as he hurried towards the car when he had arrived he pulled open the door and was met with four rowdy teenagers screaming at him to hurry up. He handed his bag to Quackity who unceremoniously threw it into the trunk behind them and heaved himself onto a seat that was partially being taken by Wilbur. As soon as he had shut the door, the car sped down the lane and George had just seemed to remember that he hadn't put in his seatbelt.

Dream twisted around from the front seat to face his friends in the back, "Did we forget anyone?" He asked, his voice raised just a little so they could hear him over the traffic.

"I don't think so, George's here and so is Wil and Tech and Quackity, I think that's it" Karl replied craning his head just a little to check that everyone was there.

"Wait what abt Skep and Bad?" George asked, noticing that they weren't in the car with them.

"I sent them my address, Bad said they were gonna be a bit late" Sapnap answered from the driver's seat. "We're already 15 minutes past schedule"

"There's a schedule?" Quackity said at the same time that Karl said " Don't worry it's just 15 minutes"

They looked at each other and smiled before Quackity turned back to the front.

"I didn't peg you as a Virgo," He said smiling.

"Hey, I'm a Virgo" Wilbur piped up smacking the other boy with the remnants of Techno's, now torn, cardboard sword.

" Poor you," Quackity said hauntingly, "I'm a Capricorn, bow down" 

Techno scoffed "I' d never bow down for the most irrelevant sign in the entire horoscope"

"Oh yeah? What's your sign then Mr I-don't-bow-down-for-Capricorns" The beanie-clad boy mocked.


"Makes sense, you're evil" Dream spoke up from the front. Sapnap snorted.

"To be fair though, Dream, Leo's are a little evil" George piped up, joining in the conversation.

"Well it's better than your sign" 

"Do you even know what my sign is?"

Dream flushed, his cheeks tinted red. Quackity let out a loud laugh and Wilbur patted George's back.

"Well, no" Dream stuttered, " What is your sign, Georgie?"

George's sudden blush didn't go unnoticed by Karl as the brunet tried to confidently reply, "I'm a Scorpio"

Sapnap laughed out loud (lol he lol-ed) "Anything's better than Scorpio, George"

"What's your sign then, oh might one" George taunted, grinning widely. He loved these kinds of conversations, the ones that were light and fun and would leave you clutching your stomach for air from all the laughter and holding your jaw in pain from all the grinning.

"Pisces" Sapnap answered simply.

"Ooh makes sense why we get along so much," Karl said, at the confused looks he got he added " I'm a Cancer"

Everyone still looked confused, he sighed.

"I don't understand zodiacs they're just fun to read about" Quackity explained. Everyone nodded in agreement. Karl let out a small "oh" of realization quickly understanding. The rest of the ride went by with more laughter and light-hearted banter most were from Dream and Quackity, George would pipe up now and again but for the most part, he was content just listening to the laughs of his friends around him.

He was the kind of boy to just sit down and admire every little thing about the world, how the ocean seemed so calm down under but how its surface shook with a touch, how the grass wasn't just one shade of green like how he used to colour it in preschool, how the sun illuminated everything except some corners of his house or under a group of rocks he'd find clustered near a river. His mom, Juliet, used to joke about how he never paid attention to what she was saying because he was observing the pigeon that had just landed on the windowsill beside her.

Right now all he could pay attention to was how relaxed the boy in front of him seemed, how his face would glow every time someone cracked a joke or how he would turn to face George every time the sun hit his eyes so he wouldn't have to squint.

George liked everything about him, and he knew it was way, way, wayyy too early but he just hoped that Dream liked him too.

Yay another chapter :D -Mars

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