Crepes and Crushes

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George followed his mom down the stairs and through the hall where his other mom, Juliet, was busy scrubbing burnt eggs off her wife's favourite pan. She immediately stopped cleaning and guiltily looked up at Vera as they entered the room. His mum stopped beside him, freezing at the scene in front of her.

"I left you alone in the kitchen for 5 minutes to go get our son and you already managed to burn something" Vera started, her wife interrupted her with a flurry of "I'm sorry". Vera crossed her arms, her brows furrowed and the frown on her face became even more profound.

"I swear all I wanted to do was surprise you with breakfast" Juliet continued the panic in her voice growing with every syllable. Vera opened her mouth and...burst out laughing. She leant on the side of the counter and clutched onto the marble as if her life depended on it, she lost her grip seconds later and went tumbling into her stunned spouse. 

"I hate you," Juliet said, gently hitting her partner with the soap-covered sponge. Vera giggled, leaned in and gave her wife a short, gentle kiss.

"No you don't, you love me"

George had watched all of this with a vaguely interested expression, he was busy replaying the events of the past hour in his brain.

"Oh yeah, that reminds me, guess who got a boyfriend?" Vera said, smiling cheekily at George, her green eyes glinting with a hint of mischief. It was like she'd read his mind. Juliet dropped the sponge and grinned. George inwardly groaned, of course, his mum would immediately launch into the subject like a NASA rocket.

"No way!", Juliet gaped, pulling off her pastel pink rubber gloves, "You better tell me more about him. Who is he? Where did you meet? God, this is so exciting" George groaned again, except this time it was audible, his face matched the colour of the strawberries neglected on the counter. His mums rushed to sit next to him on the kitchen bar.

"Mum" He muttered, dragging out the last letter. Vera grinned mischievously, "He's just a boy who I partnered up with for a project, we're not boyfriends, we're just friends. That's all" George continued, not quite making eye contact with his parents, looking instead at his hangnail.

"Mhmm whatever you say, Georgie," Juliet said, narrowing her eyes playfully. She looked up as Vera stood and reached for an apron, "Where are you going?"

"I need to make breakfast, darling, why don't you two get ready for today, we only have," Vera looked at the clock hanging beside an old family photo, "an hour and a half" George looked up. Get ready for today? What's happening today?

"Mum? What's happening today?" George asked looking up at Juliet who was tying her long brown hair up in the worst bun he had ever laid eyes on. She uselessly blew a strand of hair out of her face only for it to fall back in front of her eyes. 

"Didn't Vera tell you?" She replied not paying attention. George shook his head, his brown hair flew around his face. "Well, there's this very lovely woman who frequents your mother's bakery and they've become quite good friends so Vera and I discussed it and decided to invite her and her family over, I've met them before they're very nice people"

"She has a son your age, George, I think he goes to your school as well be this could the perfect opportunity to make a new friend" Vera added with a smile. She was mixing the batter with an ease that suggested she'd done this before many times. Her wife gazed at her lovingly and Vera's smile grew even wider, "The house is a mess you guys can clean up while I finish" She suggested once again and Juliet finally sighed and stood up.

"Alright, come on George I'll take the living room and the bathrooms, you take the laundry room, the stairs and your bedroom. Clean it well, it's a mess." Juliet said, making to go to the living room. George's jaw dropped.

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