They're out for blood.

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Okay okay okay don't kill me. I know it's been ages but I started university and been juggling that and work! Too much! But I have figured how I want this story to go and I vow to you all I will be updating it at least every other day or maybe constantly till it's finished!


I woke up completely entangled in Ace. Our legs entwined with his arms wrapped tightly around me, holding me so close I was surprised I could still breathe. I gently run my fingers across his bare chest, the little ring on my finger sparkling as the light filtered in through the window. I brought my fingers to his face and gently stroked his cheek, softly going over the bruises. My entire body, mind and soul felt completely in debt to him. I was his. His little View Princess. Soon to be his Castle Rock Queen.

He stirred slightly as I felt his grip tighten. Hearing a low growl from his chest I giggled slightly.

"You know it's rude to stare?" He mumbled.

"I can't help I like looking at pretty things." I whispered back.

"You need glasses love." He mumbled with a chuckle.

I laughed and slowly tried to pry myself free from him but his grip tightened as he held me tighter.

"Ace we gotta get up."

He shook his head, keeping his eyes closed as he gently rubbed my back.

"Mr Merrill you will get up. Rest will only get you so far and you need to move about or you'll only get stiff."

Ace couldn't stop the laugh that came from him. It took me a few seconds before I realised what I'd said and why it was so funny. I gently smacked his chest.

"Not like that Mr Merrill."

He laughed again, shaking his head.

"I can't help it, you said it not me." He continued laughing.

"Well even if it was funny we still need to get up, Eyeball and Chris are downstairs probably going nuts over not knowing what's happened and let's be real. Everyone deserves to know. The whole team."

Ace sighed and opened his eyes. I swear he can stare right into my soul.

"We are the team Princess."

Fuck the butterflies, this guy woke a whole zoo inside me as I gently kissed him.

"I love you John Merrill." I whispered against his lips, our foreheads still connected.

"Not as much as I love you Rochelle Merrill." He whispered back.

I giggled slightly. "I'm not a Merrill yet."

He smirked as he gave me another kiss. "I love the way you said yet."

I gave him another kiss as we both sat up gently and he took my left hand in his, kissing the ring before my lips again.


We pulled apart as we heard a female voice shout out from downstairs. I paused slightly, there was only female who called me Shell. Donna.

We slowly got out of bed and I helped Ace steady himself before we went downstairs and into the lounge. We were met by a mass of people. Chris, Vern, Teddy and Gordie stood to one side. Eyeball, Billy, Fuzzy, Charlie and Vince stood on the other. Donna in the middle of both groups like a peaceful mediator.

She's the girl all the bad guys want - Ace MerrillWhere stories live. Discover now