The handle of a switchblade.

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"Shell sweetie."

I heard a soft voice in my ear, pulling me away from sleep.

"Rochelle, wake up." The voice again.

I rolled over and saw Donna standing there. I looked around confused, it was daylight out.

"Ace said you slept all through the afternoon and night. Someone was tired."

I slowly sat up as she sat opposite me.

"Where is he?" I mumbled out.

She hesitated, looking out the window.

"Donna.." I mumbled again.

"I spoke to Steven last night, after Eyeball dropped me home. The meetings today." Her voice trailed off.

I looked around panicking slightly. "So where is he? Has he gone already?"

She nodded slightly. "He sent me to come get you and your stuff. Eyeball is waiting downstairs."

Realisation hit me again. Ace was carrying out my plan without me.

"Shall I help you pack?" She asked quietly.

I shook my head gently. She nodded and stood up heading to the door.

"I'll wait downstairs then."

I nodded and she left, shutting the door. The moment the door clicked I leapt out of bed, no way was I letting Ace face this alone. We were a team. I quickly changed into my shorts and found one of his shirts, buttoning it up I tucked it into my shorts. I scraped my hair into a ponytail and fumbled about rummaging through all the clothes on the floor. A switchblade fell out from a pair of his trousers.

I took a deep breath as I slowly picked it up and held it in my hands. I rolled it about before pushing the tab to the side and almost jumping when the blade sprung out. It was so clean I could see my blurred reflection in its surface. I took another deep breath as I pushed it back down and locking it in place. Slipping it in my back pocket I turned to the window.

Donna's point of view(mixing it up a bit)

I sighed again as I paced back and forth in Ace and Shell's living room.

"Will you just sit Princess? You're making me anxious." Eyeball snapped as he lazed across the sofa.

"I can't. You know Steven won't leave and you know him and Ace are going to go for each other and we both know they won't stop till one of them is dead and bleeding." I snapped in retaliation.

Eyeball laughed and looked me up and down.

"Have I ever told you how hot you look all angry?"

I turned and faced him with an angry glare.

"See? That face right there!" He said with a smirk pointing at me. "Hot as fuck. Bet what's-his-face loves that."

I shook my head and sighed again. Now was not the time to bring up that Charles left me after I accidentally said Richard. Now was not the time to actually consider how Shell had got it right. The cobras were bloody gorgeous. She'd snapped up Ace and every bone in my body was screaming out to snap up Eyeball. Now was not the time.

"Seriously how long does a woman take to-" he started but we were interrupted by a loud thud from outside.

"The fuck was that?" He said as he shot up and rushed to the window, placing himself in front of me, blocking me from view. Protective too. Damn.

"Smart bitch." He mumbled as he rushed to the front door, flinging it open.

"What is it?" I snapped, following him and almost crashing into him.

"She jumped out the window. She's gone." He said as he turned to me.

I shook my head quickly. Rochelle wouldn't do that. She wouldn't go running into the line of fire.

"You didn't tell her Ace was meeting Steven did you?" Eyeball asked down at me.


"Fucks sake girl! She's gone to find him!" He shouted at me.

"Hey it's not my fault your mate got mine involved in all this!" I shouted back.

"Oh really? You wanna go there?! Who brought her to that drag race?" He retaliated, waving his hand in my face.

"Who almost hit her with his car?!" I stood firm, getting closer.

"Who let her date the guy?!" He shouted, getting closer.

I felt myself back up against the wall but he only got closer. I felt his body push up against me, locking me in place. I steadily looked up at him.

"Who can't stay away from the deadly cobras?" He whispered.

His forehead pressed against mine.

"Who's heart is beating so fast?" He whispered again.

His nose brushed mine as he moved his head down to my neck. I felt his lips gently brush along my neck as they came up to my ear.

"Who hasn't stopped me?"

His voice sent shivers up and down my body.

"Who clearly lied about being happy in a relationship?"

I felt his hands gently grip my waist, tugging me towards his.

"Who wants to carry on?"

He nipped at my neck as I couldn't stop the moan coming from my mouth. Snapping back into reality I quickly pushed him off me. He was confused and annoyed as I answered his unasked question.

"Rochelle and Ace."

It quickly clicked in him as he nodded, offering out his hand. I reached out and took it as we rushed out the door and leapt into his car. He sped off to the blue point. He'd barely stopped the car as we both flung ourselves out and rushed in, I felt his hand take mine as we looked around. Ace, Rochelle, Steven and the other cobras were nowhere to be seen but everyone looked petrified.


We both turned and saw Chris run at us with his mates right behind.

"It was bad. Ace and Steven instantly went for each other. Rochelle came in and Steven took after her!" He began blurting out as I took his hand and we yanked him outside. The others followed and quickly began trying to shout out what happened.

"Steven chased her!"

"Said he was use her to kill Ace!"

"Ace said he'll kill him first!"

"The cobras chased them out!"

All the boys were shouting at us all at once! I quickly held my spare hand up at them.

"Guys! Guys! Calm down! Where are they?" I shouted over them.

Teddy pointed down the street. "They all went that way."

Eyeball's grip on my hand tightened as we all took off running. It was soon clear what way they went due to the other people running in the opposite direction to us. I felt another hand take my spare one and turned slightly. Chris was gripping it tightly as we raced to get to them.

Just as we turned the corner I froze. The cobras were all stood off to the side. Ace was on the floor in front of them. Rochelle was standing over him, Pressed up against Steven.

Time moved slowly as we watched Steven take a few steps back, he turned to face us slightly as he clutched his side. The handle of a switchblade sticking out of the middle of his chest.

We watched his body slowly collapse to the floor as Ace scrambled back to his feet and managed to catch Rochelle as we saw her body go limp in his embrace. The handle of a switchblade sticking out of her side.

She's the girl all the bad guys want - Ace MerrillWhere stories live. Discover now