I will always choose him.

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Back to Rochelle's Point of View

I felt bad climbing out the window and running from Donna and Eyeball, but I had to. I knew they wouldn't want me to go rushing into the firing line with Ace and the other boys. But that was my husband. My Ace. I wasn't going to let him take on Steven by himself.

Everything went by in a blur as I made it to the diner where Ace and Steven were already attempting to take each other down, everyone had either ran out in fear or were doing their best to hide. I managed to cause a small distraction for Ace to get the upper hand but Steven came for me, knowing he could get Ace to surrender if there was a knife held against my life.

We ran so fast, Ace refusing to let the other cobras get involved till absolutely needed. They hung back, knives out ready to go at his or my word. I felt Charlie grab my wrist and drag me back into the awaiting arms of the rest of the boys. I fought against them but as Steven was about to grab me Ace appeared in front of him and delivered a hard punch to his face.

Both boys were covered in a mixture of their own and the others blood. I was held back as I watched punch after punch get delivered to Ace from Steven and to Steven from Ace. They weren't going to stop until one was no longer breathing. And if Ace were to stop breathing then I surely would stop myself.

I screamed out as I saw the small gleam of their blades. They were going to use the knives instead of fists. To the death. I watched as Steven gave Ace a strong punch to the gut, he double over slightly as I watched Steven ready his blade, he was about to push it into my husband when I felt myself stamp hard on Billy's foot. The grip on me released slightly and I took full advantage.

I shoved myself forward, reaching into my back pocket. Pulling out the knife I flipped it open and lunged forward. My free hand grabbed Ace and flung him backwards with all my strength as I dove forward on Steven and felt the knife go straight in his chest just as searing pain shot in my side.

I screamed out just as I watched fear and pain take over Steven's face. I let go off the knife in him as I brought my hand up to my side, looking down slightly I saw the handle from his own blade. Blood instantly appeared on my hands and began slowly going from my wound as I felt the whole world spin and my legs gave way.

Everything was going dark.

Then there was nothing.


I felt my eyes open slowly. Looking around I saw I was in mine and Ace's back garden, sat on the hood of the broken down truck that took up residence there. I instantly remembered the fight, pulling my top up confusion hit me, there was no knife, no cut, not even a bruise.

"Ace?" I shouted out.


I quickly jumped down off the car and began looking around, everything looked so normal and real. I raced off into the house and ran around shouting for Ace. But there was nothing. No reply. No boys.


I came back downstairs as I heard a gentle knock at the door. Cautiously I stepped forward and opened it slightly. Father. My heart crashed in my chest as I was about to step forward into his embrace but a word stopped me.


I turned instantly and saw Ace standing there. I began looking between the man I grew up loving and the man I had grown to love. My father. My husband.

"Ace." I whispered out.

"Rochelle, don't go to him. Come back to me."

"But..." I paused, looking back at him. "He's my father. I need him."

"And I need you."

I turned back to Ace and saw him pleading with his eyes.

"I need you to come back to me Rochelle. I need you to step away from your father and come back to me. I need you to not reach out and touch him but reach out and touch me. I need you to touch me and wake up. I need you to wake up and tell me you love me. I need you to kiss me one more time. I need you to come back to our home. I need you to make me a father so I can be a better father than mine ever was. I need you to save me." His voice trailed off as I watched him raise up his hand to me.

"Rochelle dear."

I turned as I heard my father speak.

"Don't you want us to be together again? I miss you sweetheart."

I felt tears prick my eyes as he slowly raised his hand up to me.

"Come with me darling. Give your old man his daughter back. Let's go do everything we always promised we would. Let me be the best father I can be."

I looked between Ace and my father as I felt my heart get torn apart. I wanted them both. I needed them both.

"Rochelle Merrill."

I turned back to Ace.

"Come back to me Mrs Merrill." Ace said again, reaching his hand out further, closer to me.

I turned back to my father.

"I'm sorry father." I paused. "I will always choose him."

I turned away from my father and reached my hand out to Ace's. As soon as I felt my fingers touch his everything shook. The world around me crashed down to blackness. I tried screaming out but no noise came except the small sounds of voices.

"She's waking up!"

"Ace! She's awake!"

"Shell! You're okay!"

"We got you Mrs Merrill!"

"We always got you."

I couldn't make out whose voices were who's until....


Ace. My Ace.

I forced my eyes to open as I watched the blurred figure return to normal as my husband appeared in front of me.

"Ace..." I felt myself whisper out before used every last drop of my strength to push myself up.

I felt his arms wrap around me and almost squeezed the life out of me again as I buried my head into his neck, shutting my eyes tightly and prayed he'd never let me go. I heard many mumbles away from us but they all came out blurred as I focused on holding onto my love for dear life.

"Shell the doctors gotta check you over."

I turned my head slightly and managed to make out another blur as Donna and a man standing there dressed in white. I refused to let my grip on Ace go but nodded slightly, returning my head back to the crook of his neck.

"Maybe I'll come back. Let you all have a moment."

I heard a door shut and slowly pulled my head up from Ace and looked around. My vision was still somewhat blurry but they soon formed Donna, Eyeball and the rest of the cobras. Donna had tears down her cheek as I locked eyes with her. Removing only one hand from Ace I reached it out to her and she instantly rushed forward and crashed into me and Ace, wrapping her arms around both of us.

I let the tears fall as I saw Eyeball shrug and come over and wrap his arms around me and Donna, giving her a soft kiss to the forehead.

"Brilliant now there's two fucking couples." I heard what sounded like Billy say with slight annoyance.

Eyeball laughed and reached out to him, yanking him into our group hug.

"Don't get jealous Billy boy, we'll get you a view girl too." He said with a laugh.

I turned to Donna with a confused look but she shrugged slightly, now under the arms of Charlie, Vince and Fuzzy, who had all joined in the hug.

"Eh, view girls always give in." She said with a smirk.

I smiled weakly back at her as Ace nodded into my shoulder.

"Told you." He mumbled into my neck.

I tried to gently smack him but stayed still, happily wrapped up in his arms surrounded by the other boys. My family.

She's the girl all the bad guys want - Ace MerrillWhere stories live. Discover now