You don't belong here.

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I have no idea how long we were in that bathtub.

I have no idea how how much I cried.

I have no idea how I even ended up gripping Steven's hand tightly.

I have no idea how the outside of the house looked as we heard crashes and smashes all around us.

I have no idea how we survived.

But we did.

The world fell silent.

"Is it over?" The quivering voice of Jake came from his position, still clinging to me, Steven and his brother.

Mark gulped and we all slowly looked up.

"I don't know." He answered quietly. "I think so."

He was first out the bath, followed by Steven. Jake pulled away from me and reached out for his brother while Steven offered me his hands. I hesitated again but accepted the help as he steadied me climbing out. The bathroom was a wreck and we all knew everywhere else would be the same.

Jake clung to his brothers arm as Steven kept my hand held tightly in his as we all slowly headed for the exit. The house was in a bigger mess than the bathroom, the windows were all smashed and it looked like the whole place had just been flipped upside down.

"Mums gonna be so mad." Jake said quietly as Mark bent down and picked him up, holding him to his side.

"I think she's gonna know this wasn't us mate." He mumbled as we headed to the door that was hanging half off it's hinges.

Steven held onto me as he helped me climb over it before we all walked out onto the street. The sun shone brightly down and it was like nothing had happened, except from the complete destruction that had been caused.


We all turned hearing a scream and saw Mark's parents rushing over to him and Jake. They completely enveloped their sons and smothered them in affection as I turned to Steven.

"Thank you." I mumbled quietly.

He laughed slightly and swayed our hands together between us.

"What was that Shell? Was that a thank you I heard from your lips?" He teased.

I shoved him slightly but he kept our hands locked as he turned to face the street. Families were clinging to each other and thanking the Lord they were still alive. Yet the tears we saw from some suggested otherwise. I can't even begin to imagine the amount of people we lost. The families torn apart.

I quickly turned to Steven. "My parents! I have to find them!"

I instantly began yanking him along the street towards my house but stopped when I saw the worst sight possible. My father was lying on our front garden, being cradled by my screaming mother. Steven's parents were by her side trying to comfort her as best as possible.

My knees buckled but before I could drop I felt Steven's arms wrap around me and hold me up. I didn't care who he was. I clung to him, cries instantly coming from me. I didn't care who he was, I gripped and yanked at his shirt as he listened to my tears, screams and pleads that this wasn't real.

He slowly began to walk me over towards my mother where I saw Donna, Charles and their parents had leapt to her side. Donna looked up and the moment our eyes locked she took off running to me. I allowed her to hug me while I still clung to Steven, knowing without him I'd be on the floor.

My mother was pulled away gently from my father by Charles and Steven's father as she saw me and reached out. Steven practically carried me over to her before holding me up while she clung to me. Charles gently began to guide us to the door as I heard the faint sound of a car speeding up. I allowed Charles and Donna to help me inside before I collapsed on the sofa in Donna's arms.

Ace's P.O.V (A/N ooo what a treat ;))

Eyeball slammed on the brakes outside Rochelle's parents house and we all basically fell out, just in time to see her being led inside. I rushed forward but was stopped by the sight of her father lying on the floor motionless. Her mother noticed me and came flying at me screaming.

"YOU LET MY DAUGHTER GO OUT IN THAT?!" She screamed, getting as close as she could before she was held back by Donna's parents.


Her screams cut me hard and deep as I felt Charlie and Eyeball grip onto my arms, holding me back. Donna's parents managed to drag her away and inside the house as she continued to scream and curse me out for the death of her husband.

I turned and saw all the View people staring at us, almost in disgust. Like they all blamed us too. A man who looked a lot like Steven but older came forward to him and gently tapped his shoulder. He stepped forward and I felt Eyeball's grip on me tighten, knowing I full well wanted to swing for this guy and break every bone in his body. Twice.

"Get out of here Merrill." He spat. "You don't belong here. I'll look after her don't worry."

Anger surged the whole way through me as I stepped forward but was stopped by many hands pulling me back to the car. Steven laughed as he walked up to the door, turning and giving me a smirk and wave before shutting it behind it.

I was ready to kill the bloke with my bare hands as Eyeball pretty much shoved me into the back of his car before the others climbed in and he drove us off. Me shouting, cursing and threatening to kill them all if they got in my way, the whole way back to Castle Rock.

She's the girl all the bad guys want - Ace MerrillWhere stories live. Discover now