The love I had for Ace

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Donna didn't stay long after we all ate in silence. None of the boys dared question me knowing Ace would bite their head off.

"I'm by your side with this Shell." Donna whispered as I walked her to the door, leaving the boys in the lounge.

She took my hands in hers and we smiled at each other.

"But can I say something between best friends?" She mumbled.

I nodded quickly. "Anything Donna."

She hesitated, looking from me to the living room where we could see Ace walking about chatting to Eyeball. We turned back to each other.

"You should leave Castle Rock, with or without hurting Steven. You and Ace may belong together but you don't belong here."

I was about to reply but she held a finger to my mouth silencing me.

"I love you Shell but let's be real you two haven't exactly had it easy. You deserve a fresh start. Both of you."

I nodded slowly as she gave me a quick hug before opening the door. Eyeball quickly rushed out to us.

"I'll drive you home Princess."  He said with a smirk.

"Eyeball for the last time I'm already happy with my relationship." She snapped back as the pair headed off out.

He laughed and looped his arm around her shoulder. She quickly shoved him off as they laughed along together heading to his car. I felt hands rest on my hips and allowed my head to tip back resting on Ace's shoulder.

"She'll give in you know?" He mumbled.

I turned with a smirk before shaking my head and looking back as we watched them drive off slowly.

"You View girls always cave." I shut the door and turned to face him, letting my arms wrap around his neck.

"We don't I'll have you know."

Ace moved his hand from my waist to my left hand, pulling it down in front of us, his thumb grazed over my ring.

"Case and point my Castle Rock Queen. I knew you'd give in." He said with a smirk.

I giggled slightly and shook my head as he brought his lips slowly down to mine. Just as I felt his touch mine we heard a loud cough, causing us to pull apart and turn to Charlie, Vince, Fuzzy and Billy standing there awkwardly.

"You want us to go or?" Charlie asked quietly.

I laughed and shook my head.

"No I'm going to go for a shower but you can get me another drink first."

He nodded and pushed past the boys as Ace nodded toward the living room for the other boys. They nodded and headed in, he turned quickly to me.

"You know if you need a hand in the shower I'm more than happy to-" he was interrupted by another cough as we turned to see Charlie holding a glass of water.

I laughed and shook my head at Ace before taking the glass. Charlie quickly went in the living room.

"Now go upstairs, have a nice shower and maybe take a lie down baby. You'll need your rest for when these fuck off." Ace said before taking a step into the living room.

"Ooo yes Mr Merrill." I said with a smirk.

He turned quickly and winked before heading in with the other boys, leaving me to laugh and head upstairs.

I grabbed one of Ace's shirts and headed into the bathroom. Shutting the door I turned on the shower and allowed the water to start running to heat up. Facing myself in the mirror I sighed. I had no idea what it was but every single emotion hit me hard at that point.

The love I had for Ace.

The love I had for Donna.

The love I had for Eyeball, Charlie, Vince, Billy and Fuzzy.

The love I had for Chris, Gordie, Teddy and Vern.

The love I had for my father.

The pain I had for my father.

I felt my knees give way as I collapsed to the floor, tears instantly falling from my eyes. My father.

The sound of the shower blocked out the sound of my cries as I began tugging at my clothes, stripping down. I managed to crawl my way to the shower as I let the water crash down onto me. I cried harder and harder as I felt my fingers tug through my dripping knotted hair. I cried harder and harder as I felt my legs try and fail to stand myself back up. I cried harder and harder as I felt my back freeze up against the cold hard wall.

I cried harder and harder as I felt two hands take a hold of my face. My eyes were blurry through the tears and water from the shower but I didn't have to see. I shut my eyes tightly as I felt those two hands move my body to the side and I soon felt a presence next to me in the shower. I felt two strong arms wrap around my body and pull me into their lap.

I couldn't stop crying as I felt a hand gently lower my head onto their shoulder. The hand taking over running their fingers through my hair. The other held me close as I felt myself grip onto the clothes they were clearly still wearing.

"I love you." Came the whisper in my ear.

"So fucking much."

I had no idea how long we stayed like that.

I only stopped crying when I felt the shower stop and I was shuffled about before being lifted into the air, still locked safely in his arms. I was carried into the bedroom and placed at the end of the bed. A towel was soon wrapped around me and he began to attempt to get me dry. I looked up slowly and watched Ace's every movement. Even though he was soaked through his priority seemed to be me.

"Ace..." I mumbled.

He shook his head and grabbed one of his shirts from the floor before slipping it over me.

"Ace..." I mumbled again.

He shook his head again and gently picked me up before placing me higher up the bed and swinging my legs up on the bed.

"Ace..." once more.

He shook his head again as he grabbed the blankets and gently placed them over me. Just as he was about to pull away and leave I reached out and grabbed onto one of his hands.

"John..." that's it.

He stopped and turned to me.

"I miss my father." I whispered out.

He nodded before stepping closer and leaning down to give me a gentle kiss. It wasn't full of passion saying I'm going to fuck you hard and fast. It was full of love and said I know you do and I'm here for you.

"Get some sleep, you're a tired Castle Rock Queen." He whispered before kissing my forehead and leaving without another word.

I sighed and rolled over, pulling the blanket up to my shoulders and snuggling deeper into the bed. Ace's scent all over caused me to gently shut my eyes and feel myself drift off.


Sorry this is a bit crappy, sorta just a filler chapter. The best is yet to come next chapter!!

Finally giving myself a break from university, work and Christmas panic to work on this book.


She's the girl all the bad guys want - Ace MerrillWhere stories live. Discover now