I'm going home.

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Heylo people!!

Sorry it's been a few days! I spent the weekend in London at Destination Star Trek! Yes I'm a nerd. No I don't care. And yes I am not ashamed to say I cried meeting Kate Mulgrew. Oh Captain, my Captain.


On with the story!!


I clung to Donna as the tears just kept flowing down my cheeks. Her grip remained tight as I heard other people enter the room. But I couldn't care. I didn't care about any of it anymore. All I cared about was my father. My dead father.

"The police are taking him now, we can start sorting the funeral tomorrow. You both need rest." I heard a male voice speak up.

I looked up and saw Steven's father consoling my mother. I turned as Steven took a step closer to me, he sat on the spare seat next to me and gently placed his hand on my leg.

"We're all here if you need anything."  He said quietly.

Donna reached down and moved his hand off my leg before pulling me closer to her.

"She's fine with me thank you Steven. I'm going to take her home."

I nodded into her slightly as my mother stepped forward.

"This is her home!" She snapped.

I pulled away from Donna slightly and stared in shock at my mother.

"No. This was my home. It's not anymore, remember?" I snapped in return.

"Rochelle Winters you can not seriously be planning on going back to him?!" She snapped again. "He let you leave in the middle of a tornado! I could have lost you too-" her voice cracked as she began to cry again.

I felt more tears brim my eyes as I stood firm, holding my ground. Out of the corner of my eye I saw everyone slowly step back, not wanting to be caught in the crossfire.

"Merrill." I mumbled.

My mother stepped forward slightly.

"What was that?"

I looked down at the ground before back up at her, my eyes glaring at hers.

"I said Merrill mother. Because that's what I am." I stepped closer to her. "I'm a mother-fucking Merrill mother."

Before anyone could react her hand collided with my face and I stumbled back, quickly being held up by Steven, who's arms were removed by Donna as I reached up and grabbed my cheek she'd just slapped.

"Maybe we need to take a break. Girls?" Steven said quickly as he placed both hands on me and Donna and slowly guided us outside.

The moment the front door was shut Donna shoved me away from him and turned to him.

"The hell are you playing at?" She snapped.

"Me playing at? I'm the one that saved her arse yesterday!" He shouted back.

She scoffed in his face as he got up close to her.

"Don't believe me? Fucking ask her yourself!" He shouted again, waving his hand in my general direction.

She turned to me slowly as I nodded and looked down at the concrete. What a fascinating piece of concrete.

"Well then I guess that makes you the hero of the day!" She snapped sarcastically. "Well fucking done Steven!"

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