Ace... At your service

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"Rochelle dear! Please make sure you're ready! I don't want to go to the lower side of Castle Rock as much as you but you know we have to!" I heard my mum shout up at me.

Sighing I slipped on my pristine white ballet flats. I brushed my red knee-high dress down as I stared at my appearance in the mirror. Thanks to my parents I had been graced with the gene of having flawless porcelain skin, with the perfect blonde curly locks to match.

Having grown up in the poshest area of Castle Rock, also known as the View, I had grown accustomed to what my future would be. I knew it was old style but my parents were already planning my wedding, probably to another posh guy with loads of money who won't actually give a shit about me.

"Rochelle Winters!" I heard mum shout up again.

I took a deep breath and rushed down the stairs. My dad stood by the door in a suit, tapping his foot.

"Sorry father." I said quickly as I leant up and kissed his cheek, before rushing out to the car.

I climbed in as I watched my parents climb into the front. My mum looked like she was ready for a meeting with the prime minister. Typical. She always got so dressed up whenever we went down to the "lower class side" as they called it. I looked out the window as we drove through, everyone was smiling and cheerful towards each other. It was just the same thing everyday and part of me was beginning to get bored...

We soon arrived in the town of Castle Rock. Getting out of the car I looked around. Even though this place was supposedly home to terrible people it didn't actually look too bad.

"Rochelle!" My dad said, snapping me out of my daydream.

"Are you coming dear?" My mum asked.

I paused before answering.

"Can I go off by myself for a bit? I fancy a walk and I can meet you back at the car in no longer than an hour?"

My mum sighed as my dad hesitated.

"Please daddy." I begged.

He sighed as well before nodding. "One hour."

I grinned and nodded before he guided a bewildered mum away from me. I sighed. Finally. Freedom. Don't get me wrong but after a while I-

"Daddy?" A voice spoke with a laugh from behind me.

I snapped from my thoughts and jumped, turning around. 3 guys smoking leant up against the wall near where mum and dad went off. The one in the middle was striking. He had bleach blonde hair and was wearing all black besides the extremely colourful shirt that hung loose over him. The one to his side was wearing a white shirt tucked into a pair of dirty jeans with a denim jacket slung over his shoulder. His eye had some strange cut by it. The last guy had jet black hair gelled into place whilst he had a smart bright blue shirt tucked into a pair of black trousers.

I gulped slightly as the one in the middle walked forward, chucking his cigarette on the floor.

"What's up baby? You look startled." He said in a deep voice.

The two guys behind him laughed and shoved each other. A smirk appeared on the blondes face.

"Calls her old man 'daddy', looks very clean and tidy... Boys, we got ourselves a little View girl." He said, the smirk growing.

I stepped back as his two friends stood by his side.

"She is very tidy indeed." The one with the cut by his eye said as he looked me up and down.

I stepped back again. "Please don't hurt me." I whimpered out.

The 3 guys laughed and the blonde stepped forward.

"I won't hurt you baby." He paused and leant back to his friends. "Unless she asks."

They all laughed as he stepped forward and offered out his hand.

"Ace... At your service."

I hesitated, staring at his hand. He pouted at me.

"Aren't you going to shake my hand? Didn't your parents teach you manners?" He said sarcastically.

I slowly offered out my hand. Just as I felt his cold fingers touch mine I heard a shout.


I turned and saw my parents rushing over to me. Just as they reached me I turned back to see-

They'd gone.

All that was left was a distinctive laugh in the distance before the sound of a car engine. I turned back to my parents as my mum grabbed my face in her hands, kissing my forehead. My dad held me close to them.

"They didn't touch you did they?" My mum fussed over me as I attempted to shake my head.

"Lowlifes." My dad muttered under his breath.

I stayed silent as I looked down the street they'd disappeared down. I felt my parents tug at me so I reluctantly followed them all around the shops. But it was strange. I couldn't shake the feeling I had.

When we went into the chemists I noticed another 2 boys with short blonde hair. They both had a strange marking on their arm but I couldn't make it out.

When we went into the florists I saw the guy with the cut eye across the street. He was watching me and smiled as I was held close by my dad.

We were walking along the street and I couldn't help myself but keep turning around. They were somewhere. After a few more shops mum claimed she needed a drink so dad led us into a place called the blue point diner.

We found a booth which was naturally much to mums disgust, there was some ketchup on the table. My dad soon got the table cleaned and ordered us all drinks. They talked between themselves as I looked around before the diner bell rang, hinting someone had just walked in.

It was them.

Although this time they were all together.

I felt my dad hold me closer as he continued his conversation with mum. But my eyes were locked with those belonging to Ace. They were so piercing. His friends tried talking to him but he remained silent. They kept looking between me and him and joking about.

I couldn't stop myself from looking. His jawline was perfectly chiselled but he had a dark look about him. He was dangerous. I could tell. He was everything I wasn't.

My parents had obviously had enough as they quickly stood and my dad pulled me up and along with him. Even though I was being dragged in the opposite direction I still couldn't bring myself to break eye contact with him. His eyes remained locked to mine until I was out of the diner and being led to the car.

I blocked my parents voices out as they were just droning on about the same old thing. Castle rock this, castle rock that. Basically slating this place to high hell. They were View people through and through. There was no changing them now. But me?

I took the chance and turned back around to see Ace had walked out of the diner and was watching me being led away. His friends tried dragging him away but he remained firm, shaking them off with ease. I couldn't help myself but smile as my parents turned the corner, removing him from view.

She's the girl all the bad guys want - Ace MerrillWhere stories live. Discover now