His Castle Rock Queen

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Eyeball sped through the View as me and Donna kept ourselves ducked and out of sight. Chris laughed as we soon arrived in the safety of Castle Rock. Eyeball parked up outside Irbys and we all climbed out. I was about to head inside when Eyeball grabbed my arm and stopped me.

"Where you going?"

I looked at him confused.

"I assume where Ace is? Inside?"

He shook his head.

"Nah he ain't in there." He answered as he gently tugged me along the street.

He held out his arm for me to hold and I cautiously linked mine through his as Chris did the same for Donna. She laughed and accepted as Eyeball began to guide us along the street. Just as we walked past the chemists Billy and Vern appeared and smiled joining us as we walked along. Billy offered me the flower that was placed in his jacket and he gently slid it into my hair.

We continued walking as Eyeball told us a funny story about when Charlie had tried picking some girl up at Irbys and it failed miserably ending with him getting a drink chucked over him. Speak of the devil. Charlie soon appeared with Vince and Fuzzy and joined us as we all walked along. Fuzzy had his hands behind his back but brought them forward to reveal a bunch of white daisies. He bowed slightly as he offered them to me. I laughed and gently curtsied before taking them with my free hand as my other was still linked with Eyeballs.

"So where is Ace?" I asked him.

He shrugged and we carried on walking as he steered the conversation into the time Vince had walked into a lamppost checking out a girl. We all laughed as we walked along. I looked back at Donna, who was still linking arms with Chris. She smiled at me and nodded her head forward, just as we turned a corner.

I followed her gaze and saw we were right outside the Castle Rock church. Teddy, Vern and Gordie were standing outside and they all smiled and jogged over to me. I felt myself freeze to the spot as I realised what was happening.

My arm linked with Eyeballs.

The flower in my hair.

The bunch of flowers in my hand.

I turned quickly and looked at Donna. She smiled warmly at me and nodded.

I looked down at my dress.

Snapping my head back up to face Eyeball, he smirked.

"It's only an afternoon." He laughed slightly as I turned back to Gordie, Vern and Teddy.

They all smiled as Gordie offered me a clenched first.

"I think you need this." He said with a smile.

I slowly reached out and allowed him to drop something into my hand. I looked down at Ace's mothers ring. The one I'd worn. The one I'd worn to symbolise my choice to marry him.

I looked up at Eyeball and he smiled.

"One afternoon."

I turned back and looked at the church doors. Teddy and Vern ran over to them as Eyeball slowly began walking us closer.

I felt my heartbeat in every spot in my body as we reached the doors. Teddy and Vern opened them slowly and light filtered through.

The church was beautiful, there was no doubt there.

But I paid no attention to the intricate stained glass windows.

I paid no attention to the delicate stone carvings that held the building up.

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