Yes Mrs Merrill.

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I skipped down the stairs and into the living room where the boys were all flopped about as I saw Eyeball attempt to chat up Donna. They all looked up and watched as I entered and went and sat on the sofa in between Donna and Eyeball.

"Charlie I'm hungry. Go get us some food."

Charlie stood up slowly as he looked around at the rest of the boys.

"Now." I snapped at him.

I watched as he quickly stumbled over Billy, who was lazing on the floor. He grabbed Fuzzy and yanked him out and the front door was soon heard. Donna giggled beside me as she leant over to whisper in my ear.

"Yes Mrs Merrill."

I laughed slightly and turned to Vince.


He quickly jumped up and went into the kitchen. Eyeball let out his signature laugh as he looped his arm around my shoulder.

"Yes Mrs Merrill." He said still laughing.

Ace appeared at the door and was in front of Eyeball.

"Up." He ordered.

Eyeball removed his arm and leapt up, allowing Ace to sit next to me and put his arm where Eyeball's once was. Me and Donna couldn't stop the laugh as she leant over to me.

"Yes Mr Merrill." We both managed to say through our giggles.

Ace looked at me confused as Eyeball flopped on the armchair.

"The Mrs is earning the Merrill name." He said as he even giggled slightly.

Ace squeezed my shoulder slightly and pulled me into him, kissing the side of my head.

"We need to sort Steven out." I said, stopping the laughter. "Once and for all."

Everyone nodded as Vince returned with 2 glasses of water, he handed them to me and Donna as Ace looked pissed.

"Mine?" He questioned.

Vince quickly rushed off before returning with bottles of beer. He handed them to Ace, Eyeball and Billy before sitting on the floor and looking up at me and Ace.

"So what we gonna do bout Steven?" He asked.

Everyone turned to me as I looked up at Ace, he looked back down at me.

"Your choice Princess. You're a Merrill too now."

"But I don't know what to do." I almost whispered back.

"Hey you said it yourself, you wanna live up to the name. Now is your chance. This is all you."

"And if I mess up?"

He shrugged.

"Blame Charlie. It's what I do."

I giggled slightly as I turned to the expectant faces.

"Are we gonna kill him or just make him leave?" I asked to no-one in particular.

"Whatever you want boss lady." Eyeball said with a shrug.

"We give him the chance to leave?" I asked.

"Is that an order or a question?" Vince asked.

Ace nudged me slightly as I shook my head slightly. This was all too much. I couldn't decide someone's fate. Even if it was Steven. I jumped up and walked out through the kitchen and out into the garden. Hearing footsteps behind me I sighed as I went forward and sat down on the grass.

"Shell..." The voice almost came as a whisper, yet I didn't reply.

"Do you wanna talk about it?"

I shook my head slightly.

"Do you wanna be alone?"

I paused as I thought for a moment before shaking my head. I heard shuffling as I soon saw Donna sit down beside me. She reached over to my lap and took hold of one of my hands. I felt myself lie back as she did the same. We lay there in silence for a while before she finally spoke up again.

"You know, a year ago if you told me that you'd end up marrying Ace Merrill I'd have probably had a heart attack."

I laughed slightly.

"So would I." I mumbled back.

She giggled and turned her head to me.

"Although I gotta ask..." she paused slightly. "The sex, how good is he?"

I burst out laughing as I gently smacked her. She couldn't stop herself from laughing.

"Oh come on Shell! I'm your best friend, when it happens you gotta tell me this stuff!"

We both laughed together as I nodded my head slightly before reaching up and pulling his shirt open slightly, showing off my bruises from his lips. She sat up slightly and stared at them in shock.

"So he's a biter?"

We both burst out laughing again but before I could reply Eyeball appeared at the door.

"Foods here." He mumbled as he stepped out. "The fuck you doing on the floor?"

Donna jumped up and offered me a hand.

"The fuck you doing not on the floor?" She answered back as I took her hand and she pulled me up.

I walked over to Eyeball who was still stood in the doorway.


He laughed and nodded, moving out the way slightly so I could get past.

"Yes Mrs Merrill." I heard him say as I walked through into the lounge where Charlie was handing out the food.

I sat back down next to Ace as I accepted my burger and dug in straight away. I felt Ace nudge me slightly as Donna I gave him a gentle nod before quickly finishing my burger.

"We give Steven the chance to leave Castle Rock forever. If he refuses we kill him." I found myself blurting out.

"He's never gonna give up trying to get me or torturing you lot and personally I've had enough. I don't belong with him. I don't belong up in the View. I belong here with all of you."

I turned to Ace slightly. "I belong with you."

I turned back to the others.

"And for that reason we have to get rid of him. Donna, you'll tell him we want a meeting, simple but effective. We'll meet at the blue point diner. Make our case and offer. If he accepts then fine. If he declines..." I paused slightly.

"We ambush and kill him on his way home. Either way we will no longer have to deal with him. And after that." I paused again.

I turned back to Ace. "We leave Castle Rock until everything calms down."

Ace was about to speak but I held my hand up, silencing him.

"If it comes to it, I'll be the one to do it but we all know the police will go straight for Ace. And that's why we leave. Once everything has calmed down Eyeball will come and bring us back. Home."


No-one spoke. No-one knew what to say. Except those 3 words.

"Yes Mrs Merrill."

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