Chapter 2: First day

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Fillip's POV:

After leaving Fleur's room, I returned to my office, where I told Luc to wait. He stood up immediately when he saw me entering the room, "What the fuck was that about?" he asked, surprisingly annoyed.

"What the fuck was that about?" I asked back, in disbelief. "When did I ever say you could touch her?"

"Well, you didn't, but isn't that why she's here? That's why Alberto gifted her to you and why you accepted her; she could be fucked."

"No, that's not why she's here. It's not." I was getting irritated with him, and his bargaining was not helping.

"Since when?"

"Since I fucking said so, Luc. She's here to be a maid. She's not to be touched. Above all, don't question what I do again. Do you understand?" I yelled at him. He always pushed me too much, always going against my words. Right now, I felt an intense need to choke him, but I did not

"Alright, brother, whatever you want," he said, walking out the door.

"Tell Christian to come in," I called back after him.

Moments later, Christian came into the room, and I told him to station Leo in front of her room. He'd be there when she woke up. Yeah, Leo would take good care of her; at least he wouldn't try the stunt Luc just did with her. I did not forget to mention that no one touches her as well. God, I don't even know who she is, and I'm here with this unexplainable irritation burning in my chest at the thought of my brother touching her.

Sitting on my chair, I listened to the silence. Some might say silence is peaceful, but I could not stand it. I hated when my wife stayed silent, laying on our then-simple bedroom floor compared to where I am now. She bled between my arms, and I couldn't do anything for her except call her name and plead with her to answer me, but her silence taunted me, and it still does to this day.

I couldn't bear the silence anymore, so I stood up from my chair and headed to the gym. It's the only place I could get everything—every unwanted emotion and every unwelcome feeling—out of me. I got out of my office, and I found Leo standing in front of her room.

I was supposed to continue; I wasn't supposed to stand in my place and hesitate. I wasn't supposed to open her door and check on her, but I did anyway. I didn't stand for long. I just stood there for some reason, making sure she was okay. Looking somehow distressed in her sleep, there was a frown taking over her face. I silently closed the door and walked past Leo to the gym. If he thought I was acting weirdly, he said nothing about it.


Fleur's POV:

I woke up after what felt like a few hours; I hadn't had that dreamless night since...forever. I was really tired, and whatever Sebastian gave me was good. I still felt like I wanted to sleep and had a headache that was splitting my head, but I thought that was enough sleep for now.

Looking around, I searched for a clock, and I found one beside me on my nightstand. It read 3:55, I slept for almost 6 hours. Quickly, I stood up and started walking towards the door. I don't know why I was so nervous—maybe because Alberto would not let me sleep that much back then.

I was walking out the door when a hand held me. Not this again. Can't these men keep their hands to themselves? I turned around and was stunned by this beautiful man looking at me. I mean, truly beautiful.

He had black hair that was combed backwards, with a small strand of it falling on his face. I didn't know if he did it intentionally or not, but it looked great anyway. His clean-shaven face was entirely emotionless while he stared at me with glowing hazel eyes.

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