Chapter 22: Sinners

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Alberto's POV:

I was sitting in my lovely office in the mansion, reviewing the papers on our last shipment from Africa. It went perfectly. Lately, everything seems to be fine since Fillip attacked one of my bars and killed all my men. The fact that he did that has still not left my thoughts; in fact, I was waiting for the right opportunity to come for me to get back at him. Raffael was supposed to come back with a perfect plan to get back at his former boss.

Naturally, a week later, when I heard a knock on my door, I expected to see Raffa in front of me. Only I was met with his devilishly handsome smirk. Enzo.

Why was he here? We aren't supposed to meet except at the end of the month. I couldn't say I was annoyed by his visit, but for the sake of his safety and our cover not being blown up, he shouldn't have been here right now.

"Oh, how I missed you, darling." I went in for the hug, but he stopped me. I frown at him.

"There's no time for this right now, Alberto. I came here to tell you something important that couldn't wait any longer, let alone a week."

"Go on."

"Fillip," he said, looking around the office as if he might walk in any time soon. It made me feel a bit anxious as well. "He let Fleur go."

"What do you mean?"

"He let her go and sent her to a safe house; I don't know where yet. But I will have the information soon. He tried to keep everyone who was not Leo or Christian out of it. He didn't even trust his brother enough to tell him where she was."

"He cares that much about her?"
Enzo only nodded, hand rubbing his growing stubble on his jawline carefully.

"As soon as I get the information about where he hid her, I will send you a message from a different number. Don't tell any one of your men, not even your most trusted men. We still don't know who Fillip has sent here." It was my turn to nod.

When he started to leave, I stopped him; his height and strength did not make that easy, but he turned around, looking me in the eyes. With those glowing brown eyes of his.

"Why leave now?" I said while looking at my watch. 1 p.m., at least one more hour before someone starts noticing his absence.

"I told you we cannot be taking any chances right now, Alberto; I have to leave right now," but I still wanted him to stay. I had missed him. So I pull him down those two inches to my lips, savouring the taste of whisky lingering on his lips. Nothing tasted as good as anything that came off his lips.

"Fillip has a daughter," he said in between breaths, and I was frozen still.

"What? From Fleur?"

"No. From his old wife. No one knew about her. For so many years now, she's been hiding with her grandmother in Italy; he would go visit her there occasionally. She just came back a while ago; that's the first time she's been here in the US since Marie died and he became Don."

"I want her."

"She's 7 Alberto," Enzo said, studying me, as if the fact that he had just blurted out would change the fact that I want her. I want both of them. This man deserves to suffer, and I want both of them.

"I want her," I repeated. All people should know by now that whatever I want, I get.

"I won't be able to get her; she's heavily guarded."

"You don't worry about that; get me the information on Fleur's whereabouts, and me and my men will do the rest."
Enzo looked me in the eyes carefully before nodding and leaving through the door. This time, I didn't stop him. If anything, I wanted him out of here sooner, and I needed to start a plan for how to get Fillip's daughter from amidst his guards in their mansion. As impossible as it seemed, I didn't seem to care. I did not care how many men died getting inside the mansion. All I cared about was the man who would come out with Fillip's daughter. And that's all that matters right now.

I want both of them.

Alberto's POV:


A/N: Really short chapter, I just needed to get something out so💀😭

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