Chapter 30: My Flower

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(Not edited)

Fillip's POV:

       The first person to come out of Fleur's operating room door was the same nurse I had threatened. She saw me and sped away, refusing to stop and tell me how Fleur was. Then, before Christian, Stephan, and I could follow the nurse and demand to know how Fleur was doing, the surgeon came out, so we all turned towards him.

He puts on a fake smile. A practised one, one he probably gave a thousand people before he gave us. His hand lands on my shoulder. "Don't worry, son, she'll be just fine." When I was told that Fleur was past the point of danger, that all she needed was a good rest, and that there was a big possibility that she would be waking up in the next week or so, I fell to my knees. I could not possibly stand straight anymore; as if all the air that I have been keeping inside me ran out, I had to sit down.

The bright lights of the corridor suddenly became brighter, and I had to close my eyes, and before I knew it, tears were streaming down my cheeks. Pressing my fingers on the bridge of my nose, I try to stop the tears, but there is no stopping them. I let go. I triumphed. I smiled. All the while, the tears continued to cascade down my face. It was certain, this relief.

Christian came and sat next to me, patting my stretched knee. "I told you she wasn't going just yet." I look at him, smile some more, and then nod. I should have never doubted her strength. After everything she had been through, I should have never doubted her.

This time, Stephan does not sit across us on the floor; he sits next to me, and I look at him. "What are you still doing here?" I could not stop myself from asking the question. He helped us, gave Fleur his blood, and drove us here. Why? He could have just done what his father had asked of him. Find Alberto. All he would have needed to do then was tell me where that fucker was, and I would have taken care of the rest, yet he's been here all day.

His eyes fended off and became distant as he thought—or, rather, tried to think—of his answer. I could see the moment he decided not to answer with his usual confidence and pride. For once, he looks defeated. He looks back at me, brows drawn together, looking confused when he decides to answer.

" not know Fillip," he says, shrugging, then proceeds to continue looking at the wall ahead of him. That answer did nothing to help me, but I did not press on the matter. I just let it be. If he found it possible within himself to be a human being for a day, then what a day he chose!

I nodded at no one exactly, because Stefan was already somewhere else in his mind. I nod again and then rest my head on the wall behind me, closing my eyes. All I could picture was my Fleur. Her blue eyes inviting me, like they did that night before she left. She was just smiling at me, and in turn, I smiled too, letting out a chuckle. I am sure that the boys now think I have lost it. However, I was as sane as I could ever be; she was going to get better, and this time I would never let her go.

"Thank you," was all I said as I patted his knee.


A week later, Fleur still didn't wake up. After the first day out of surgery and a couple of fights with me, the doctors allowed us into her room. Since then, everyone has come to visit her. Nina, Mia, and even Leo. Despite all the objections from Nina, he would not let her go alone. I am sure Nina told him that he could not possibly protect her if anything happened with two gunshot wounds, and I am sure Leo was deeply hurt by her words, but he still accompanied her regardless. I mean, that was Nina. Tells you the truth to your face, no matter how hurtful it may be or how close you are.

After a few days of Leo coming with Nina every day, he started letting her come alone. My guards would still be with her, and they were the ones that drove her home. And when I told Nin that there was no need for her to come every day, she threatened that she would not be getting food and clean clothes for me with her. I could not tell her anything after that.

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