Chapter 3: Changes

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Fleur's POV:

I was awakened by the light that leaked through the heavy curtains. Fumblinh slowly with the comforter, I got up from my bed. I could feel my body aching to get back into bed, and my head already missed the pillows. I barely slept for two hours yesterday.

It doesn't help when you wake up every once in a while drenched in sweat and barely breathing. Then going back to sleep is too haunting, so you try to stop yourself from falling asleep as long as possible.

It was a nice day for the end of November, I thought as I looked outside through the large window in the side of the room. The sun had risen, and as I opened the windows, a light breeze entered the room.

I was just noticing the view for the first time. We were in New York, yes, but the beautiful garden in front of me made it forgettable. Ironically, it appeared to be very peaceful in the home of a mafia leader. I could hear the birds singing outside, and it felt like heaven. With Alberto, I would hear the music and the people laughing and dancing around while I rotted in the basement of one of his clubs. But I'm here now, probably better than back there, so I'm relishing it.

I hear a knock on the door while I am still staring out the window. Just as I turned around, Alessandra- Nina entered my room. I'd like to call her that even if she's not a real friend yet, pretending to have one at least makes you feel less lonely. Doesn't it?

"Good morning, love. I thought I would come to let you know that you should be down in about 10 minutes; we need to start making breakfast by then," she said, and I gave her a small smile and a nod.

When she closed the door, I went to my empty wardrobe. How do I ask for clothes if I'm only a maid? I grab one of the two red dresses that were hanging there; I would rather burn the other one than put it on after yesterday. Quickly, I finish my shower and let my hair fall on my shoulders. It was not too good, and it was too damaged to be bothered.

A plate of eggs waited on the marble counter as I walked into the kitchen to find Nina standing over the stove, cooking something. "Do I have to take that outside?" I asked in a low voice, still dreaming about the king-sized bed.

"No, that's for you; you should eat." Nina answered me dismissively, acting like a mom.

I raised an eyebrow at her and asked, "Who said I should?" That was more a rhetorical question.

"Well, I noticed you came here and started working and didn't eat anything since yesterday, but yeah, if you really want to know, the big boss was the one who said you should eat," she winked at me AGAIN. That's getting a bit on my nerves.

"Big boss?"

"You know, Fillip, he thinks you should eat."

Surprise and shock took over. I looked down at myself. Did I look that bad? That HE would not only notice but also say that I should eat. I certainly didn't know that.

"And why should I listen to him?"

"I mean, other than the whole mafia don shit, he is technically your employer, so..." I waited, and she did not continue, and I realized this was her attempt to persuade me. So I approached the counter and sat down in the small chair in front of it.

Honestly, I didn't want to eat; I didn't have the appetite to do so. Not after what happened yesterday or how things have been going for the last six years.

I've already learned how to function without food for so long now that I just wanted to get on with my day and be left alone until I tried to figure a way out of here. No matter how impossible it seemed, I will try to get out of here, even if my life depended on it.

A Flower Between the Thorns: A Mafia Romance [REWRITING]Where stories live. Discover now