epilogue pt 2

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𝐄𝐏𝐈𝐋𝐎𝐆𝐔𝐄 𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓 𝐓𝐖𝐎𖣔༄The day I married

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The day I married...

Happy 80k and fourth year anniversary To The Wonder!
Thank you all for still loving this story and still supporting it!
Enjoy this!

Bella would always regret her wedding day.

Not for the man she was marrying. For the place where she was getting married. For the people around her on the day she was getting married.

She only regretted it because she didn't have her mother.

The Duchess of Rothyshire had passed away two years after she had assumed the dukedom. Her father had fallen into such a deep depression that the dukedom was taken over by his nephew William early. Since he had no sons to succeed him after death, it would pass to his brother's sons and his daughters would only be worthy of it by obtaining the hand of a gentleman who would give them their fortune and surname and, in short, spare them the misfortune of losing what was rightfully theirs.

It was the 20th century, technically her older sister, now married to an aristocrat, Edward Nightfall, could have access to her father's fortune and the dukedom that belonged to her by blood. However, Caterina Hastings, now betrothed to a man whose renown perfectly matched his character, Caterina Nightfall, had no desire to flaunt more luxuries than she already possessed. It meant not only being on everyone's lips, and having unwanted wealth, but also giving up her married name, ensuring that her children could never bear their father's title and never have his name, going to England and never visiting Avonlea again. Although in reality, she had not set foot in Avonlea since she was practically banished to England when Bella was still very young.

Caterina was never a fan of a man taking everything she could ever possess in marriage. That is why she never thought of getting married. However, she loved Eddy, she adored him, almost as much as she adored her sisters. She did not want titles and riches, she only wanted him. So, she never claimed anything. She was happy as she was.

Now, almost all of her sisters were married. Sydney was engaged, having gone to England for the debutante ball, she had fallen in love with a man she believed would satisfy her desires with his mere presence and his spirit with an insatiable hunger for what could only be possessed by the soul, the adventures and perplexities of life. Syndey thought he held at most a minor title, a lord or a distinguished gentleman. Nothing pompous that would drown her in misery for the need to be on his level, even though she was the daughter of a duke, nothing and no one could surpass her own fortune by blood. However, she turned out to be engaged to a duke who would not tell her a word of his title and property until this gentleman's mother invited her to meet her. So, Sydney would be, despite being the youngest of the Hastings sisters, the only one of them to genuinely hold a title she deserved by blood, that of duchess. Well, that is, if she could just calm her heart and convince herself that she wanted it. She had ravaged a storm of doubt and dread over the fact that she may not want that title and that fame, but unfortunately she loved that man.

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