S1/E1: Complicated Feelings

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In the IMP building, Loona is seen lying on the couch on her phone. She was chatting with her friend over the phone.

Loona: "You serious? Jesus Christ, some of the jobs you take are nuts, dude."

Scale-Lover: *over phone* "Yeah! I sometimes surprise myself when I take 'em. I could get killed in some of them."

Loona: "Well, that would suck. I wouldn't have anyone cool to talk to."

Scale-Lover: *over phone* "Lies, I say! I bet you have a bunch of cool friends to talk to other than me."

Loona was a bit silent, concerning the person on the other end of the call.

"You do have friends other than me, right?"

Loona: *frowns* "... no. You're my only friend."

Scale-Lover: *over phone* "Oh. Well, I guess I can count myself pretty lucky to be your only friend."

Loona: "You bet your ass you should feel lucky!"

Both Loona and the boy she was talking to over the phone laughed. Then the caller got an idea.

Scale-Lover: *over phone* "Hey, you're still around in (city name), right?"

Loona paused before answering...


Scale-Lover: *over phone* "Great! There's a little festival-carnival-thing going on, in case you didn't know, and me and my family are going. Would you... like to join us?"

Loona paused again at the offer. Was a boy asking her out? A Human boy?

Loona: *without thinking* "Yeah, of course! I'll be there, lickity-split!"

Scale-Lover: *over phone* "Great! I gotta get ready, so I'll see you there! Buh-bye!"

The call ends and Loona just lies there on the couch in shock before lifting her phone in front of her and hitting herself in the face with it.

Loona: 'Stupid, stupid, stupid! Why'd you agree? He's a Human, and you're a Demon! You can't be friends! He doesn't even know! And seriously? "Lickity-split"? Who the fuck says that?!'

"Uh... Loona? You okay there?"

Loona stops hitting herself in the face and turns her head to see Millie in front of her with a picture in hand.

Loona: "... maybe?"

Loona said, almost as if it were a question. Millie raises an eyebrow in confusion but ignores it for now.

Millie: "Okay. Could you hold this up, please?" *holds up picture* "I'm tryna' teach Moxxie how ta shoot a crossbow. Could ya help me out?"

Loona: "Suuuurre."

The Hellhound says as she takes the picture from Millie who thanks her and walks over to Moxxie and hands him a crossbow. Loona takes a quick look at the picture before lying back down on the couch and raising the picture in the air above her. As Millie tries to teach her husband to use a crossbow, Loona was trying to figure out how to solve her current problem.

Loona: 'Okay. So how are you gonna do this? You're a smart girl, Loona. You can figure this out. How can I go up to the Living World and meet Y/n and his family without scaring the living shit out of them?'

Millie: "Moxxie, stop shakin'! You're gonna shoot our only Hellhound!"

Millie tells her husband who was wary of shooting the family picture was holding. Said Hellhound heard this and responded with...

Friends...?《Helluva Boss x Male Reader x Loona》Where stories live. Discover now