S2/E6: The Price of Truth

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It has been a few days since Helsa came to the hotel, and Charlie revealed to Y/n who she was. Y/n didn't take it very well, but ended up getting Charlie to schedule a meeting with Lucifer, their father, in an attempt to find his human parents.

And now, it has come to the time that the meeting was scheduled. Y/n was in his room getting ready but was pretty nervous. He had never met Lucifer in this life before, nor does he have very many memories of him since they haven't returned to him just yet. But Y/n trusted his sister, so if Lucifer was the best for this, then it's to him he's going to.

Y/n: "Okay, Y/n. You got this. Just your dad... that you haven't met. In this life, anyway. You can do this."

Letting out a sigh, Y/n readies himself just as he hears a knock at his room door. He walks over to it and opens the door to see Charlie standing there, waiting for him.

Charlie: "Hi!"

Y/n: "Hey."

Charlie: "You ready?"

Y/n: "To meet my birth father technically for the first time? As ready as I can be."

Charlie: "Good. He's waiting for us, so let's get going."

Y/n: "Lead the way."

Charlie smiles and leads her brother downstairs to the lobby. Y/n assumed the limousine she always rides around in was parked out front for the siblings. The reincarnated prince was thankful Helsa wasn't at the Hotel that day, seeing as she has been for the last few days to "visit" and "spend time" with her husband. Y/n despised those days when she was at the Hotel since her and Loona constantly argued whenever they were both there, and there were multiple times when the prince had to stop them from going any further than their loud violent arguing.

As Y/n and Charlie walked through the lobby, the former spots Vaggie listening to one of Angel's rants. She notices her ex looking at her before giving him a smile and a thumbs up. Y/n assumed Charlie told her about where they were going, so he guessed the thumbs up was for good luck and he smiled back at her.

The prince and princess soon left the hotel and got into what Charlie called the family limo to ride to Morningstar Castle, which was their home. Which also made it Y/n's old home.

After some time riding in the limo, Y/n became a bit nervous again. He started tapping his foot on the floor as he gripped his pants and looked outside the window. Charlie noticed how nervous he suddenly became and placed a hand on his shoulder to comfort him, and he looked at her.

Charlie: "Don't worry, Y/n. We're almost there. And I promise he'll be able to help. Okay?"

Y/n nodded and took a deep breath to calm his nerves.

Y/n: "Right. Okay. Yeah. Lucifer can help, like you said."

Charlie immediately became a bit surprised when she heard her brother call their father by his name instead of referring to him as his father. But she somewhat understood. Y/n doesn't have very many memories of Lucifer and hasn't met him in this life yet, either, so he has no reason or obligation to call him "Dad".

Soon, the limo arrived at a massive castle, and Y/n looked outside the window to stare at it in awe. He had never seen a building so large. Not even Stolas' palace was that big.

Y/n: "You, uh, sure this is the right place, Charlie?"

Charlie: "Yep! This is where we grew up. Well, me and past yous, anyway."

Y/n: "Oh. Fun..."

Y/n said as he kept looking at the massive castle. He didn't like the idea of living in such a royal, posh place where your every need was given to him. He preferred where he grew up. But then again, it may not be that bad. Charlie seems to like it, and she doesn't have any stereotypical princess issues.

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