S1/E4: Spring Broken (Part 2)

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Loona was back on the beach as she looks at the next target, only to bump into someone who was carrying some electrical equipment.

???: "Whoa! I am so sorry, miss!"

Loona: "Watch where you're fucking going, you dumb!... ass?"

Loona slows to a stop as she sees who she bumped into. The one carrying the electrical equipment stops as well before his surprise turns to joy.



Both persons take a step back in surprise as they see their friend at the beach

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Both persons take a step back in surprise as they see their friend at the beach.

Loona: "What are you doing here?!"

Y/n: "I'm doing a job. I was hired by the pop star Verosika Mayday to help her crew set up and whatnot."

Loona: "You know Verosika Mayday?!"

Y/n: "Uh... sort of. Hold that thought."

Y/n tells the Hellhound in disguise and turns to one of the passing Humans, who was actually one of Verosika's crew members, and gets his attention.

Y/n: "Hey, Josh! Can you take this electrical equipment to the stage? I gotta catch up with an old friend."

Josh: "Yeah. Sure, man. See ya later."

Josh says and spots Loona. His smile then turns into a grin.

Josh: "And I'll see you later, too, beautiful."

He says and then walks off. Y/n's eyes narrows as they follow him before turning back to Loona.

Y/n: "So! What are you doing here? I haven't heard from you in almost two weeks."

Loona: "Y-yeah. Um, I'm h-here on work as well. Yeah. Work."

Loona stutters a bit she was having a hard time being around the Human. She tried to keep her eyes up at his... and not looking at his lips. Her entire system as overloaded with nervousness.

Y/n: "Really? I thought you were a receptionist at your dad's business."

Loona: "Y-yeah, I am. I-I'm just helping out on the field, today."

Y/n: "Well, look at you, moving up in the world. Go, Loona!"

Y/n playfully punches the disguised Hellhound's shoulder, making her smile and laugh a bit.

Loona: *smiles* "Yeah." *notices something* "Since when did you wear sunglasses?"

Y/n raises a brow in confusion, only to realize that he was indeed wearing sunglasses.

Y/n: "Oh, right. These. I mean, I'm at the beach, aren't I? Gotta protect my eyes, right?"

Loona: "But you hate sunglasses."

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