S1/E6: Everything Doesn't Stay (Part 1)

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A week has passed since the "spring break incident", and Y/n and Loona are back to talking with each other on a regular basis. Heck, they even meet up in person now! With Loona using a Human disguise, of course. Blitz doesn't like them being together, but he tolerates the friendship since it makes Loona happy.

Loona has also told Y/n a bit about Hell, too. There was about nine realms, or "Rings", of Hell in total, and Loona resides in the first one: the Pride Ring. The Pride Ring was also the Ring all Sinners go when they die, which makes it the most cramped Ring in Hell since Sinners can't leave that Ring and it becomes overpopulated. This has resulted in a yearly genocide from Heaven which has Angels called "Exterminators" come down and kill as many Demons as they can in twenty-four hours. Y/n had said that was terrible and gruesome, but Loona said that it was necessary, even if they didn't like it.

There were also Hellborn Demons that are naturally born in Hell who can traverse the Rings of Hell without consequence. Loona was one of those Hellborns. There were also royal Demons, such as the Goetia Family, and Overlords that rule certain parts of Hell. The biggest force in Hell was it's king, who was more properly known as Lucifer Magne. He ruled all of Hell.

What was Y/n Morningstar doing now? Well, his job, of course. He was hired by some sweet Spanish mother to help her an her son move after a divorce with her husband who had cheated on her.

Y/n: "Alright, and that's all of the dishes."

Y/n said as he unpacked the last of the woman's dishes as she and her son were bringing in the last few boxes. He had helped the two unpack most of what they had, which they both greatly appreciated.

Y/n: *to the woman* *translated from Spanish* "That's all the dishes, Miss Rosa! Anything else you would like me to help you unpack?"

Miss Rosa: *translated from Spanish* "No, no, Mr. Morningstar. I think you've done enough for me and my son as it is."

Y/n: *translated from Spanish* Are you sure? I can still help if you want."

Miss Rosa: *translated from Spanish* "Thank you so much, but I think we can handle it from here. It's getting late, and you should head home."

Y/n: *translated from Spanish* "Alright. If you say so."

With that, Y/n bids Miss Rosa and her son a goodnight after being payed for the job and heads to his car. What the lady said was true; it was indeed getting late. So he decided to head to his home to watch some TV and talk with Loona a bit before heading to bed.But before that, he was going to give a quick visit to his parents. He hasn't visited them in three days, and today was a good day to give them their half of his money.

Y/n: "So what should the good ol' radio play tonight? Hmmm... Eh. I'm in the mood for some Polka."

Y/n says as he drives in his car and uses his phone to play his playlist of his personal favorite Polka songs. He enjoyed the half-hour drive from Miss Rosa's house and to his parents' house, bobbing his head to his music as he drove through the streets. Then he finally made it to his parents' house and parked in the driveway. He checked real quick to see if they were home, and sure enough their car was there and the lights were on inside.

Y/n opened his car door and stepped out before closing it behind him. He locks the car before walking up to the front door and knocking on it.

Y/n: "Mom, Dad! It's Y/n!"

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